
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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How do you know when you're in love?

c'mon man.. i've answered this about 10 times. those paragraphs are long as fuck to write. but, in simple phrases ; I'll probably talk to you alot. Probably won't show my feelings either, ha. I'm quite an emotionless person like my zodiac sign says, ahahah. I'll be mean or nice to you, diesn't matter if i like you. I'll still be me. That's it, i guess. You can't really guess if i like you or not, lol.

something weird that happen to you

welllll.. at this huge ass family party/reunion whatever, the oldies kept comparing me to their grandchildren and were all like ' oh, amanda's such a good kid, she's so polite and nice. so pretty, she always have such good grades, - my grandmas name - have such good grandchildren, blurblablaarh ' and then, the uncles and aunties that know me well start laughing.. i kept looking at them all like ' FUCK YOU OKAY I AM NICE! ' XD they're so mean.. -___-'

something weird that happen to u

yeaaaah.. few days ago, almost fell on my bum, for the tenth time, but some guycatched me and i was like.. ' get yo hands off, jesuuuus! ' lol.. it was awkwaaaard.. and then i saw that guy again, i started laughing omg, AHAHAH, you should have seen his face.. yurp.. awkward.


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