
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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fact abt you?

1. i'm a lazy bum when i want to be one, but i'm also a productive person or whatever.
2. i don't like makeup and idk why so don't ask me.
3. i'm good at playing the guitar and other instruments.
4. i can fuck around alot.. not as in intercourse.. -.- buuut,
as in fucking around with peoples minds.. lol idk why..
5. i go to an all girls school..
6. my favorite colors are blue and white (isn't really a color but idc)
7. i'm mostly nice.. but i can be rude from time to times.
8. i really like to play sports like.. volleyball, bball, soccer,
i kinnnd of like flag football but it isn't really.. ' my thing ' lol.
9. i don't understand why people smoke weed, honestly..
all the people i've asked.. they're just like.. ' idk '
10. i can be that one person that sometimes have problems,
but doesn't talk about it to anyone, but don't worry, i rarely have
any, and if i have any, i'll just solve it.. lol.

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Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

How do you think the world will look in 100 years?

i was about to answer ' old and wrinkly ' since i thought you were asking how i thought I would look in 100 years.. lol xD and idk.
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

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Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

the ones who enjoy life try to look at everything positively,
while the ones that don't enjoy life look it everything negatively.
or like idk, everyone has different reasons not to enjoy life.. ?
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

What do you think of tattoos?

if the tattoo actually has a meaningful (lol) meaning behind it, i'm totally fine with it.
if it's only like, idk, crap, a tattoo they got for fun, then i will not like it, idk man.. .___.
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?

why would it even matter.. but my cousin, i guess.. we'd probably just die from laughter, lol xD
Liked by: Daniel Lee


Language: English