
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Rofl. Quit it. Ok leave your tablet on that little desk of yours, go put on your pjs lol, close all the lights, lay down on your bed and say Go! & I'll sing lullabies for you, alright? Guitar, piano or violin, you choose. I'll end the vidcall after you fall asleep so don't worry. Gogogo.

omg ok i answer u by talking rn so
goodnight everyone i hope u feel loved
i know, total randomness but it's oKkk ♡

Idk what it saysz I was trying to type and then my keyboard changed lmao. That's good. Haha you're welcome. It was good. I got free food. Mm.

ectosushi’s Profile Photodylan
o lmfao, that's good to hear! hope your days keep getting better and better, yeha~ omg what was it
Liked by: Asmah

Amanda you don't sound ok right now, literally. Your sentences are all fucked up when you speak, lol. Sudden nostalgia or what?

it's bc im basically talking while falling asleep omg no, not nostalgia lmfao silly u. omg ur singing rn, how do u even sing french songs man, i dont even know a french song i think omg love ititit

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If you could have any question answered, what would it be?

' is the pain someone goes through actually something that should happen? why do some go through more pain than another when they are just as good/bad? why do so many bad/negative feelings exist? hatred, sadness, anger.. they all turn into pain. which becomes one feeling made from 1922874 other feelings. ' lmfao it is 10:35pm, my dear friends and i am not ok. fck it omg too many questions, why is life so unfair? there u go, one question that can answer all of those. btw i bought a sweater earlier today and it is quite comfortable!

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

' y-you should have thought about it more.. ' anyways, it passed and nothing got weird so idrc anymore lol
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

Don’t you think that everything is changing too fast?

it's always been like this, it's at a normal tempo to me. i adapt easily to stuff anyways so i dont actually really notice when new things pop up and stuff change unless i actually care lol.

Rofl, pass me that one and you'll get mine tomorrow, alright~~ Dude, the haunted house tho. Want to go? I'm paying so don't bring money. We could go at like midnight omdg.

did u even get back home yet or lmao, ight! niqqa 'horror movies that aren't even scary marathon' tomorrow, remember ?!!?? mes parents ont un genre de party alors, we're gon be alone jfc soBs. we're probably going to fall asleep lmfao o god. anyways, call.

Right, truly sorry. You're that disgusting low-fat pudding. LOL, just kidding. Anyways, go shower now gdi. Going shopping at around 7. So that leaves us like 2 hours.. Good enough. Dépêche toi, d'accord!

you know that i like that pudding and you insult it... hOW DARE U. o fck fine ok i go now jfc u too tho

Wow you rebel. Lol jk. What did you do

ectosushi’s Profile Photodylan
ya no, it's bc pepol that take concentration music classes and stuff were allowed to attend this special concert and it was rly nice omg so yeha i went. #notarebel lol. the guys were pretty too ahahehaa too bad they come from austria lmfaoaoa.
Liked by: Asmah Park Jung Woo

YEH I DID. Rofl, so cute but I bet you look stupid right now. ♡ Alright, scream to my face for as long as you need to. Oh dear, when Philippe "twerked" in front of the Starbucks. Missed you too, stupid. I can't right now, I'm sorry. I'll call you as soon as I wake up! Now good night, love you. xºx

fck u i basically look stupid all the time huh lmao. omg it's ok, i was just going to say good night and then hang up anyways lolol. plus on a parle y'a une heure so it's all goood losr. but niqqa hell to the no you are not calling at like 6am lol, i can wait so it's ok!! ight, night. love ya too, sweet nightmares hAa.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

you attract a lot of boys, amanda LOOOOOOOOOOOL

jFC DID U RLY NEED TO REMIND ME LMFAO omg and i thought i was gon have a day where i wouldnt hear that. u kind of ruined it ?!! loljk, no i donot wot u talking about pfftft.


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