
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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miss someone ?? what you do when miss her or him ?

yes, i do.. i want to talk to them, ask how they've been, if they're doing well, all that stuff.. but i don't want to annoy them at the same time. so i tend to not talk to them for a few weeks, which makes me miss them even more.. and then, the friendship just.. slowly goes away. i've been through this one or two times.. i realize how some of them never really cared about me, etc. it's sad. don't do what i do, cherish your friends. lol, why do i sound so goddamn dramatic. it's probably because it's still, only 10am.. ahaha ^^

What song makes you feel happy?

idk, but i keep singing ' Talking to the moon ' by Bruno Mars..
and i keep replaying this cover a guy did, it's so goood~ it's by
Hanbyul, from LedApple? yeah.. ^^ check it out if you wish (:

miss you bby <3

idk who you are.. but i'm gonna guess that this is daniel? if soo.. damn, haven't talked to you in a while D:
yiooo, qu'est ce qui t'est arrive? bah, je t'ai parle il y a quelques jours mais quand meme! ahaha xp


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