

Ask @l3ff3n

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Why do you suck, and why does Roy have so much potential?

is this opposite day and if so why didnt anyone tell me ;-;

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So Bill, can I call you Bill? Hungrybox has a better fox than you Billy boy. What are you gonna do about that?

no you may not call me Bill. Call me Bill-sama and fuck hungrybox's fox areyoukiddingmethatguysspaciesSuuUUUUUUck

After playing many Marth's and Falco's, have you ever thought of picking up a secondary? Maybe even Sheik?

I have considered picking up a secondary but it's not really related to the marth/fox and marth/falco matchup at all.

Sorry the belt bra comes with the deal. Enjoy your continued gay rumors.

Aight, then I'll take new Dante aka Donte and he is way more like me anyway (and hes mad kawaii desuuuuuuuu).

If you could copy the fighting style of one fighting game character and use it IRL, which one would you choose?

dante. eat pizza all day erryday and have a gazillion different weapons and moves.
might not wear the belt bra tho.

top 10 things you hate about lists? also why do you hate double questions also r u gay

jeez, calm down, satan.

how do you feel about liquid ken and liquid kdj? do you think they can be a threat to the top 5 including you?

No one is a threat to me ;) but nah, i dont think they will beat the top5 anytime soon

Is it your dream to walk onto some stage while Power by Kanye West plays? "Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it." It even mocks Brawl: "Stop tripping, I’m tripping off the power." "And I embody every characteristic of the egotistic. He knows, he’s so fucking gifted." It is you.

Hahaha, fitting song. I'd prefer to do the talking myself, though ;)

thx man I really enjoyed boku no pico, going to go bleach my eyes now. thanks again

no problem bro. nothing will ever be as buuutiful as boku no pico first timer so might as well bleach eyes later yes good.
maybe bleach eyes by watching bleach? no habla espanol.

What is your fox color tier list?

White is the only one that has okay fashion sense man. then its red, then green, then blue. fuck blue fox. fuckhim.

Do you like "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"?

Movie was the only standout part, thought the rest was pretty bad.

So what makes the one you have lagless?

The screen itself is not any more "lagless", its the method of upscaling.

Does every 480p flat screen not have lag?

This isn't a 480p flatscreen - it has 1080p. But some screens do have more lag than others.

If you do a left nair then a right nair and finish with a shield combo off the edge while they spike, can you double jump off their final smash? Assuming you have the home run bat, of course.


How do u perform invisible waveland from edge?

you really shouldnt even bother trying to do one if you can't figure this out yourself.

I'm curious how you reconcile calling the Melee scene "too casual" when you won't go Falco against M2k because it's "too easy". Doesn't seem like you're playing to win.

Did it ever occur to you that I may not have been completely serious?
Liked by: andrew dacunto


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