

Ask @l3ff3n

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do you get excited to check your ask.fm every day

part anxiety over 400 unanswered questions, part excited to get some cool question, and partly confused as to why people care about who my favorite pornstar n shit is.

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I feel like is a good idea to take a break after high school, as you can use that time to learn about the "job world" and see what you want to pick up in college.

It really depends on the person, but I think the most important thing is to find out what you want to do before you make huge decisions - and for many, like me, working a year or two to get some well needed experience and perspective is great.
Do not confuse it with just sitting at home though - that shit is like quicksand.

lmao I guess I'm a moron too because I'm 18 and work for a living. Guess I'll just go back to my stupid house in my dumb car and cry about how much smarter university students are than me.

Indeed. I'm moving to a great apartment in central Stockholm, I have a job that I like and I have enough time and money to travel a lot. Guess I must be a moron, too.

chillin says utilt is a really good fox move

he also seems to think that fulljump uair is a good staple lol

Leffen where did you hide the dead bodies

Leaving them as "bodies" and is a rookie mistake. Acid or a chainsaw.

leffen please do match analysis on stream so you can point out when the top players are being too casual

Aiight, I'll try to do it today :>

just read the answer about college. Sorry for being ignorant but i thought people started college in Sweden on the year that they turn 18. Wouldn't you already have started college in that case? If not how does it work?

Most people, like me, take a break after high school

Mayneeee kages fox is already better than yours by a shitton. Come MLG he is gonna rip you a new asshole. OK my actual question is what color controller do you use?

I use an all clear and a black one.

Do you color your hair?

Nope, never done it. I'll mess around with it eventually, but it's not really acceptable to look too anime at my work lmao

how do you wavedash out of shield?

I do it just like how I do your mom
I hold shield with L and wavedash with R
...I couldn't come up with a punchline, okay ;-;

What is your favorite thing about twitch chats?

That they prove without a shred of a doubt that there is no god

do you have to look at the keyboard when you type or can you touch type?

I don't have to look. Trying to learn how to type on my Phone without looking too but touch suxxxx

lmao can't wait till I take you out at MLG son

the fact that this is written anonymously is
fukin hilarious
pusssyyy ass biatch

There is a guy who sits next to me in class who is Scandinavian/Asian too. Your not so unique biatch.

well since you said scandinavian and not swedish, I'm betting hes from Denmark or some other ripoff country. i am unique and beauuuutiful, yOURRR WoRDsss canntt bring meee downnn!

this time next year, hax/leffen will be the same as armada/mango in 2010

There'll be no one close enough to me to call a "rival" in SSBM by 2015 ;) But if there is, it won't be Hax, lol.

Clash tournamets nigga. G$ beat yo ass smh

how is this a question. and yes I lost to g$ and MDZ at a local. idgaf lol.

Do you watch any other "esports" or are you only interested in fighting games?

I watch most other forms of competition - and that includes Esports. Not watching a lot of non-fighting games atm tho since I am too busy, but I used to watch a lot of Dota and esp WoW when that was big.

Yo so my favorite smasher is mango but your a villan so that ties you up with him.. what video do i need to watch to see Leffen the villan at his best??? (pop offs etc etc)

hm, maybe me vs Tekk (ESA) or Beast 4 interview? idk, I don't watch my own matches tbh :v

What do you think needs to happen to P:M in order to make it, at the very least, better then Brawl? And dare I ask, better then or on a similar level as Melee?

please stop asking me PM questions, i really dont gaf about it.

You seem like the type of guy who goes on /a/, am I right?

I visit once a month or so when everything else on the internet is too normal. It's like a zoo

who's your favorite porn star?

this is the 4th time someone asked me this in the past month.
I mean really.

What noise do you hear right now?

Love Your Friends, Die Laughing by Man Overboard. Found so much new music lately :>

You said you want to be not just the best Smasher, but the best fighting game player, period. Who do you think is the best FG player right now?


what do you think separates the melee gods from other rising players?

The melee "gods" as you call them are just medium sized fishes in a tiny pond. There's nothing special about them - they're just a little better.

You've said you want to be the greatest fighting game player, period. If a team came up and wanted to sign you, similar to KDJ and Ken, but you had to focus EXCLUSIVELY on Melee, would you do it?

No. I don't have any money problems, so any sponsorship that would limit me more than working is out of the question.

You've made it know that you don't like the Smash community because of the "family" stuff, casual mentalities, etc. (I hate it for all those reasons and others as well). Are there any other fighting game communities you *do* like?

I think that certain parts of certain communities can be great - but really, I just prefer certain people, and what game those play isn't what makes me prefer them.
If you consider any big community your "family", imho, that just shows you have awfully low standards. Playing the same game as someone else is just having a mutual interest, nothing else.

why are the japanese so awesome?

They're nothing special, really. I hate how people overrate things just because they happen to be foreign.
Japan's best is still going to be great though, and personally, I like quite a bit of japan's culture, but that doesn't really change the objective quality.
tldr weeaboos are funny

admit it! u didnt like the smash documentary because it was lacking the most amazing fox player this universe had ever seen - leffen

...maybe a little :)


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