

Ask @l3ff3n

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How much do you train/coach players like Beat and Pop? I think it'd do your Smash development a lot of good if they leveled up; teaching a discipline is also an amazing way of learning a discipline.

I try to teach them a lot - I know that them leveling up isvital to my own improvement so I don't have much of a choice

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What is your stream setup, capture card etc?

WIi, component cables, avermedia lgp, laptop, webcam with built in mic.

Any advice as fox against sheik? I always end up going falco because I find stressful the fox-sheik matchup

Watch a couple of high level matches of the matchup, hit the lab, and come back with what you think you should be doing vs sheik, and I'll give you input.
Spoonfeeding is almost always going to be useless in the long run.

hey, how did you make it so that the current song you're playing shows up on your twitch? i think that's a great feature to have on any stream with music playing so a bunch of people don't end up asking.

Just using a screen region for now, if someone knows a better solution - please do tell.

Mango, M2K, PP and Hungybox frequently play against each other and other really good players. Do you think it's an advantage or disadvantage for you that you don't play them as often as they play each other?

Incredibly huge disadvantage. Especially for an adaptive player like me.

Your new twitter picture is perfect. The spiked hair, pointing two ways, symbolizes your twofold desire for greatness and dominance. The hood reveals a hidden fear. The sideways glance and sexy smirk exposes your ambition. Finally, your low-cut shirt expounds your manliness and seductiveness.

Liked by: Eddie Lin Lawn_Chair

Leffen, when I use hair gel, I get this weird, curly, flat and wet look. what am I doing wrong mayne? Should I try wax? :(

Well, wax generally gives a more dry look, so if you don't want a wet/flat look then it's prob a good idea to try it.

when you play weaker players, do you go for easier kills and more gimps to finish the sets quicker or do you just try to play as efficient as possible?

The latter

If you ever have children, will you take great pleasure in bopping them at video games?

Yes. And it shall be streamed.

Is it safe to say that you won't be satisfied with anything less than sweeping all the major summer tournaments.

Even sweeping them wouldn't satisfy me. It has do be done a certain way.

How did Armada get baited so often and so hard in those sets? It seemed like you were really just on a whole different level, Armada has never looked this weak.

Armada himself says that he doesn't actively think while playing. With such a gaping flaw , compared to me being known to adapt quickly (compare salty suite me vs hbox to tournament me vs hbox for example) it was really easy.

Were you happy to be able to play aMSa, even though you lost to Armada?

Yeah, I really wanted to get some exp in the fox-yoshi matchup so I have it incase amsa comes to EVO/MLG
Liked by: Nicholas Taylor

Not a question. I really like how you sometimes you will just stand in place, instead of dash dancing. It really made me realize that I should only move when it has a purpose. Moving all the time is predictable and could put me out of a good position.

Speed is just as much about going from max-0 and back as it is having a high max speed. I get sad when people just dash dance for no reason

Would you ever think of picking up peach to defeat Armada with his own character?

If I keep winning european tournaments this easy, why not haha. I want to prove his pathetic "the peach fox matcup is impossibe ;_;" wrong sometime ;)
Liked by: David Parlej

Does Armada's profound sadness after his loss at ROF3 make you profoundly happy?

I feel a bit bad for the guy, tbh.
We used to be really good friends before he more or less betrayed me (evidence.zip).
He has played the game so much more, attended so many tournaments between Beast4 and ROF, picked up a new character because I beat his Peach, and Smash is his job. Before I got my new job, I really needed to win ROF to pay the rent, so I kinda feel for him, since I imagine he is in a similar situation. That, along with him getting bodied at BEAST4, probably also meant that he wanted the win far more than I did. If this was a shonen anime, he would've 4 stocked me every single game.
Yet he didn't win. Not only that, he looked like a joke, getting 6-0d. That's just how the world is, though. Everyone is out for themselves, and holding back is not my style.
Oh, and remembering how badly he treated me in 2013 definitely made it far easier to focus on crushing him haha :v

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Did you sandbag in WF then 6-0 Armada again in GF just to prove you're a god?

No, it was a combination of things.
First, Armada's autopilot is just THAT strong (since he plays so much more than me) so even though he just keeps doing the same things, it still took me a bit to long see the pattern.
Fox dittos are also a particularly hard matchup to win by reads, sometimes pure tech skill really does give you the win (Look at mango vs hax for example).
Secondly, I was playing far below my level. Why? A number of possible reasons, but here's what I think did me in (warning:this is indeed "johns" - but I'm simply writing them down so it doesn't happen to me or anyone else reading this again):
-Not warmed up: Spent a big part of the day watching Marvel/KOF finals, and during the massive delays etc I didn't play between playing Ice and Armada (was 3 bo5 sets inbetween). The solution to this was quite obvious - through playing Amsa I gradually warmed up. I should definitely access this problem for future events.
Hungry/tired/stomach ache/demotivated/small migraine: Delays, bad hotel, only eating a bagel during the entire day, not drinking enough, along with the bad organization just made me feel shitty in general. I didn't take care of myself at ALL compared to what I do when living at home, and my body definitely noticed.
It just made me lose that special "fire" that I need to focus, and instead I sat and paid more attention to Twitter than who my next opponent was.
After I lost to Armada that badly I started waking up, and tried to fix the problems stated above as best I could. Ate a cookie, drank water, tried to fix my mindset, and so on. It still took quite a while, and imho I almost lost to amsa because I just saw him as a warmup, and didn't realize just how good he is.
You can also see the same things happen in game 1 of me vs Ice.
The above is all completely unacceptable for a top player. I should've known better, and it should not take me a lost set (almost two) to wake up. Definitely going to research this area more, and for example see how pro athletes deal with jet lag/shitty hotels/being sick etc.
I'm also going to start exercising way more, to keep my body in shape so I can keep my focus up, despite bad circumstances like poor organization.
This was wayyy more than I intented to write, but I hope it clears it up a bit.
tl; dr: I didn't sandbag, I didn't adjust properly, and it took me a while to get back into the game.

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Does the crowd cheering for your opponent give you strength?

I try to use whatever I can to motivate myself, and that certainly is a good source haha ;)
Liked by: David Parlej

there is no asian member of one direction... are u trying to join one direction??

1D | Leffen ?
get bitches
get money
have awesome hair
I can see it

I don't really like your stream personality but you definitely need to be at these summer events. Do you think r/smashbros or smashboards would start a fund? I want to see more upsets.

Thanks, but let's wait and see a bit. Smasher's always come to help out eachother, almost too easy, and I don't want to use other's peoples money unless I absolutely have to.

too personal to talk about what hit you hard?

Eh, not really, I guess. I got laid off work due to the company going through a tough time (all new people had to go) and in order to pay rent I have to find a new job very fast (or win ROF, or take out of savings haha).
I have an interview on Monday though, and I'm going to search very hard even if that doesn't work out.
However, I may not be able to go to any more events after ROF this summer, mainly due to money issues (and searching for work while planning to travel a lot is going to be too hard), so unless there's a fund of some sort it's gonna be rough.
Liked by: Dennis

Do all your bot followers "@" mention you too? Or are they just silent followers? I could imagine that you'd get more than the average spam links for weight loss and such.

Nope! Gotten like 2 mentions from someone claimed I hacked their account into following me, which I assume was done by one that's also controlling the bots, but other than that, zero spam.
I think the bots like me.

Please come back and answer questions again. you're my favorite smasher

I'll try! Life hit me pretty hard, and along with practicing for ROF it's been hard to make time for ask.fm :/

How the hell did you get so many followers?

Someone botted me and sources tell me I look like the asian member of one direction

Are you not afraid of Armada beating you again if he practices at his current rate, and you don't pick up the controller more often?

Eh, not that afraid tbh. I've always been behind in terms of experience/time put in.
Armada also lives in a much better region, lives with a smasher and he doesn't work/study iirc. Matching his hours in my situation would be suicide.

I hope you've been practicing more than you've been streaming. -_-

ooops. I've been lazy, and there's very few people in my area sadly. I'll be streaming all day today though!

how much money do you spend on hair products?

uh, like almost nothing? Hair wax + shampoo +(sometimes dry shampoo too) is all I've ever used haa

not really into video games I played some melee in 5thgrade casualy lol,a friend of mine told me about you, how we look alike and shit its true! funny cause I'm Russian and German and you are Korean lol. But the one thing is my hair is the same kind as yours but I can't get it to bend like u wat do?

hair wax it up or smth
Liked by: David Parlej

how the fuck do you get your hair like this? like seriously, it looks pretty damn good

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name
Liked by: Dennis

Are you streaming today?

Yeah! Going to start streaming in only an hour or so, and possibly more at ~10ish (CEST)

What is your relationship with Armada like? Is it a complete bromance or is it more like a friendly rivalry?

We used to be pretty close friends, until he banned me haha. Even tho I think he treated me pretty badly in the past (not saying a single word about the ban to before he one day blocked+banned me and refused to answer me lol) I have no intention of being enemies with him in anything other than ingame.
That said, of course I'll call him out on his bullshit, johns and so on, but I do that to everyone, its nothing personal.
Liked by: Dennis

Ah hey Leffen, I was wondering for maybe a Fee would you ever consider training other EU players over online?

Timmy Lambert
of course. I'll teach anyone who can prove that they're motivated enough. Putting money up front not only shows that, but it makes me rich. so yes lmao


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