

Ask @l3ff3n

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why aren't you a top 10 ssbm player?

I'm not ;>? I honestly don't really care about being top 10, 5 or whatever. #1 is the only thing that matters in my mind. If you were to ask me why I'm not #1 (yet), I'd simply say that I haven't put in enough time or effort before. I think I have never lost a tournament set to a player that has played for less time than me for example ;D

In your opinion is project m 3.0 as fast and competitive as melee?

Well, I think it's definitely easier and overall it's probably faster (although less requiring execution wise) but I would not say that it is nearly as competitive as melee. I think P:M has a lot of problems, but it all really stems from the fact that the developers are very clearly amateurs at designing games.

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