
Billy Kearney

Ask @Billyyk93

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Do u believe in love at first sight?

I'm not sure but me and Alex really really hit it off from day one like really bad

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Oh. It's Irish. Lol. You're Irish??? I thought you were like, not Irish. Like, for me an Irish would have pale skin, light brown or blonde hair and like, a a innocent face. YOU LOOK NOTHING LIKE AN IRISH. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, BILLY.

Because I'm not just Irish I'm Italian and German too if you watched my 50 random things about me video you'd know that!

Jist coz you can't date of the same grender n sum county's doesn't mean u cancer stil lov the sam grender. Neve stup living Alex, bille.

Thank you

My fear of dicks isn't funny. Stop laughing at me. Dicks really scare me, y'know. Like...Im okay with cartoon dicks but real life dicks scare me. Why are they so long? Why do they sometime stick up? People say I'm probably never going to have sex with a man and I...I just don't know what's wrong....

Hahahaha your a lesbian that's what's wrong

So..what IS your favourite text sign thingy?

I use emojis rele but I guess like a simple smile face lol :) but usually I use emojis

Shipping is when you put two characters (from a show or whatever) together. Like, you want them to get together. And people would like, mix their names together. As, OTP stands for "one true pairing" and you do not, I repeat DO NOT want to mess with someone's OTP.

Ohh okay

Favourite like, text sign thingy? Like, ":) :D" etc. For me, I like (>^3(=w=<) See? It's Alex and you! You're the one kissing him while Alex is just like, "God, I love him so much but I'm going to pretend to hate him" Alex was probably thinking that through the whole BF Tag video. Haha. Just saying.

Hahaha interesting lol


Language: English