
Billy Kearney

Ask @Billyyk93

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Billy you almost reach 20.000 subscribers, can you have a giveaway, the winner gets to spend a full day with Alex or have diner with him or maybe just a kiss from him?

You're a funny one🙈
Liked by: ludovic françois

I would I have nothing against going stag but my friends all will get dates or already have boyfriends so....

I think it's alittle early to be worring about May 2016 gurl. Lots could happen haha

I'm scared I won't get a date for prom lol it's not till May but no guy has ever liked me. I've never even been texted first by a guy so I'm terrified

Who cares just go with your friends and have fun:)
Liked by: Eliane da Silva

Billy when the time comes when you and Alex are going to move together somewhere will you make a donation link where people could donate to help?

That may be a possiblity.. I wouldn't really want to but times are rough and we want to be together really bad
Liked by: ludovic françois

In the boyfriend tag what did you mean when you said he's too sensitive?

Everything upsets my baby

How did you bring back your hair to life? (Saw on snapchat). Your hair looks SO HEALTHY now! It's back to where it was before the bleaching. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

It's really not healthy honestly and prob won't be until I grow it all out and cut it. I suppose it's alittle better now! I just leave in conditioner

Please never change you are amazing and I wish they were more people on YouTube like you. Genuine and real.

Aw that was so sweet thank you🌸


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