
Billy Kearney

Ask @Billyyk93

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If Alex isn't out yet why does do boyfriend tags? Isn't he worried people he knows will come across it?

He doesn't care that much like his family knows and like i think it's like if it happens it happens but like he's not ready to tell everyone himself

Have you ever seen any gay romance movies? If so, list them?

My fav is shutter me, I've seen others but don't remember the names.

Scariest move ever?

Hmmm idk but when I was little I was sooo scared of the grudge but I love Sarah Michelle Gellar so I had to suck it up! But there is something so creepy to me about that movie idk why like I feel this intense vibe when I watch it! Haha

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Does Alex know you like River Viiperi?

Yes, I don't like him in that way. The original question was what famous person you think is cute. I don't get why this is like a thing! Lol

Then...list all the male singers you like!

OMG!! My fav male singer is Adam Lambert! I forgot about him, I like justin Bieber too

Wait, but you're a homosexual...how can you believe in God? Because homosexuality is a sin. If you believed in God, you wouldn't be sinly. You're basically, betraying God.

Well it's what you choose to believe it's always says god loves all so...


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