
Billy Kearney

Ask @Billyyk93

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Looking back, are you surpised you and Alex are back together or is it a complete shock?

Hmm, idk actually. Like I knew I'd see him again so I guess deep down I knew we would because id only see him again if we were together cause we'd never cross paths cause we are in completely different states.

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omg. Agnezmo in New York. ..aaaaaaaaa.........she's look pretty omg..ups sorry..hahahaha. ....I wish next video you make video in outdoor show what happened and what you doing..:-p

Liked by: iwan

but..it's great..now I watched your other video "my coming out story" even I dont really perfect english. .but I try to understand thay...and..:-D why you choose in the front clothes room :-D

I think it went along with the story :)

can I give you advice about your video "help me become a full youtube partner" maybe you should more expressive. .hhaahaa...more you know...happy or..you know...sorry just little compliment/advice/comment I dont know..hahajaha...

I had to redo that video so I was like annoyed I had to do it all over again loll but yeah

anyway your video imanuel so good....is that your school projects

Yes! I it was so much fun to do it! Check out my other channel I posted my coming out story
Liked by: iwan

Mark Miller,post video he ask that do he like gay....and lot of those say nop...doesn't look gay like..man..awesome. ..but I like brian mallow610 ciz he's so cool and mature...:-)

I loved that video I thought that it was great and that fact that he's so comfortable with himself I love it. The fact that he doesn't look gay should be more awkward and he doesn't even care. It's so cool to see!
Liked by: iwan

yeahh ok..hmmm..I like brian mallow610 boyfriend. ...and Nat lush...why you prefer lush

Idk I think lush is more intriguing but my fav is MarkEMiller
Liked by: iwan

yeah thattttt....hehehehehe ..hmmm yeah...ok....you are right between lush matthewlush and mallow610 better mallow610...they so entertaining...than lush.(even they cute couple) brian and Dan they not show kisses or kind ,it's so cute..they look shy and sometimes they want it but..u know what I mean

I like lush more then mallow

hehehe....ok.:-) yeah you in new York and alex in sorry from where??? florida???? but still long distance :-p

No lol I'm from NY but living in Florida for college and Alex is from Michigan :)

Billy! I L-O-V-E that short film you posted, "Emmanuel." Did you entirely interpret the character on your own or was the Director telling you how to express yourself. Your facial expressions really make the film. Was it rehearsed or was it all done in one take?

Thank you very much! :) I was directed, but no rehearsals she talked about it with me and I did it. I only messed up once! Glad you loved it! I was really proud of it:)

as a Buffy fan, have you read the comic books? if you haven't, you've gotta start reading them it's awesome. btw my favorite character was Willow, witches rules!

I have the first 20 I'm so mad I got so behind:( I love will too <3

WHATTTTTTT you and Alex back together??? when this happened?? happy for you guys!!

Yes! :) and like 2 weeks ago!

could you please do more videos with alex? you two are perfect! <3 :)

I'm gonna put up an extras video I think, on my vlog channel:)

Are you aware of the amount of use of the word "like" in your speech? Do you not feel shameful about such a vague way of communication?

I am aware, it's a habit and there's worse things. Not that serious...

You and your boyfriend are so hot ;). I'm glad you two are back together :).

Why thank ya! Check out my new silent film!:)


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