
Billy Kearney

Ask @Billyyk93

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Wait, usually the younger one is more feminine, but in your relationship with Alex, he was younger. How is this possible? THE WORLD IS GOING MAD.

Age doesn't matter, like same way when a girl is older then their boyfriend

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don't worry, maybe you weren't meant for each other. you're gonna find yourself someone that will never let you go! :) I came across your channel today and I think I like what I see. cheers all the way from Poland! :) Max

Thanks, only time will tell..

I have nothing against gays.. But in my country there is the death sentence for these people ( i live in Saudi Arabia ) .. I'm really confused ...

Omg! You should deff come to America.. Like now!
Liked by: iwan

as I know that you want to be a director,hmm. ...do have any program or plan making short movie maybe...

Not right now but I'd love that ! I do have something actually but like idkk!

hmm....I had watched utube...in matthewlush channel. ..they live in LA,there so many hmm...I dont know how to say..hmm...a so many..LGBT ..meeting program..and looks so great...so many information bout community. ..what about in new York??have you ever come in some LGBT Congress or kind something?

That's cool! And I've never been apart of anything like that before sounds good tho:)

wow..you have lot of compliment from viewers. .and the new one is "do you know that you are so fucking beautiful" I kind of jealous with you..but yeah you are. ..(beautiful&young) haha....you have alot of fans since you upload your video. .according to you...how you react to your fans..

I think it's so fun! :) I love it!
Liked by: iwan

now i read some comments in your chanel. .and one of tho is Fucking gay..you answer it's pretty gay that you clicked on a gay bf tag...what you feel about that. .when you read that comment. ...

I didn't take it to heart I thought it was rele stupid and that ppl wow be like wow haha i thought my response was funny and I think that's why it has 415 likes on just that! :P
Liked by: omari iwan

When Alex broke up with you was it a complete shock or after thinking about it did you realize the warning signs?

Well we were in a bad place but then I thought we had a rele good plan to move foward, and then it ended quickly after that and yeah I was shocked but I woulda been in any situation that he actually did it, I alway said if it was anyone it would be him to do it and he told me it would be me... See I'm never wrong lol see I wish he'd just listen


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