
Billy Kearney

Ask @Billyyk93

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congratulations you've get reply from matthewlush. .. u look happy ...and maybe u can contact mallow610 too . probably they would help you and help you.....success billyk93 bye.

It was just luck that he saw my comment

I will delete all about you....who am I??? I'm just one person who fans to you . doesn't meaninh one person for you...you will get more better than I am.more much.....fans better better..I'm so glad that all my question you answered. ..I'm was so happy know you respond it..thank you....so much.

I'm not saying you are bad at all?

to billyk93 thank you so much. .for all...I'm very very disappointed to you...I dont know why you always delete all my comment. ..maybe all my comment are annoying for you...wish u success and many subscribe for ur channel.gid bless you and your boyfriend. hope always together...I'm so sad..

? I answer all of your questions and you put a sad face on my video which didn't make any sense

how do you celebrate your anniversaries

Nothing really sometimes I send a card and stuff but nothing big, like if it was like 2 years we'd do something bigger but nothing rele for monthly

Can you tell the story of how you and Alex started talking? You don't have to get personal just like who messed who first and was it flirty right away or did you talk like friends at first?

Alex and we were rele cute and flirty :)

Is it too personal to ask how sexual your relationship is? as in how often when you see each other?

Yes too personal lol


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