
Billy Kearney

Ask @Billyyk93

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Saw your last vid's , the one with Diana Bella and with your aunt , I like when you are with friends or family in your vid, it show your real personality , your funny and at ease , the one with D Bella you need to ask other question then do you use paper or your finger ! ? ( friendly criticism )

Thanks! And it's not my questions it's the tag questions, it's called "best tag ever" everyone's doing it, YouTube it! Loll

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Do you know any colleges for writing?

Hmmmm not sure, there's lots of writing opportunities. At my school but that's not the main focus. I actually just wrote and sent one in! Wish me luck it gets picked:)

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It's cool lol
Liked by: Boci

You should do the Photo Booth challenge for one of your videos! It's where you and a partner use Photo Booth and the goal is to get the other person to laugh.

Hmmm I'll check it out!!

Are you aware "rele" is not a word, and the proper spelling for it is "really"?

Yes totally aware. Lol: laughing out loud. (But not rele)

oh ahah can you give me the link please? lol

I can't right now, but just go through my videos there's not that many billyk93

can you pls talk about ur coming out, stuff like that, you know...

I did a whole 10 min video of my coming out story? Haha


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