
Emma Armstrong

Ask @Emma92uk

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Can you do an Video about your outfit :) ?

I am literally wearing a Minnie Mouse onesie right now lol no need for video

What makes you laugh the most?

At the moment it's Vine videos, they get weirder and weirder and more stupid and I just love them :') #TWENYWUN

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can you do a few vid answers?

Sure :) not right now but leave me a question and write VR at the end of it so I'll know not to reply without a video response. How's that eh?

What is your biggest regret?

My biggest regret is wasting my time with someone who took me for granted. I genuinely think I missed out on some on the best years of my life over a silly boy, however I gained a valuable lesson in life that I'm forever grateful for. It's made me who I am today, even if there are a few little pieces of me I'll never get back. Out with the old, in with the new :)

How do you spend most of your time on the Internet?

Mainly on Tumblr, because that's where the nice and fucking hilarious people are. I do genuinely talk to some really great people online. The world isn't so bad, HUZZARRRR!!!

What is the most overplayed song of all time?

CAUSE IM ALL ABOUT THAT BASS BOUT THAT BASS....*jumps off a cliff voluntarily*

Would you let a girl who is a friend lick your belly button? Like if she got dared?

How did you think of such a weird question though are you into stuff like that lol?!
Liked by: Charlie

What do you think of Joan of Arc? she heard the voice from angels or demons, she lead french troops and beat english troops in France. so she was an enemy of England, was she a witch? she was good or evil? and the trial of her and burning her at the stake by english were right and fair?

I don't actually know about Joan Of Arc but she sounds like an interesting character!

Post a picture of your favorite celebrity!

I have a few but right now I can't just pick one because I'm seriously in llove with Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan lol #Fangirl


Language: English