
Emma Armstrong

Ask @Emma92uk

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It's alright if ya do, at least you're having fun!

Lol yeah course I drink, not saying you can't have fun without it but ya know when has a story started with "So I was eating a salad.." lol

You will probably die of second hand smoke anyways lol

Lols what a lovely thought. No you're probably right though cancer runs in my family, it took my nan but she smoked like a chimney anyways. I miss her very very much. I'm sure me and my brother are the only ones that don't smoke... Proud.

Do u smoke?

Nope! I used to socially, what I mean by that is when I got stupid drunk I used to just fancy literally the odd one and its gross like I really can't stand smoking its such a nasty taste and especially in the morning BLUGHHH! So, I used to socially but I've not touch a fag when out drinking for a good 6 months now and its staying like that. So I suppose the answer is basically NO.

What movie inspires you?

Bridget Jones Diary. Just makes me feel empowered as a woman lol. Her prince found her in the end, and instead of being a desperate bitch she chose vodka and Chaka khan and got herself a new career lols. I love being independent and yeah just somehow inspires me to better myself and fuck men (as in not making them a silly priority lols)

What has been the scariest experience in your life?

My appendix nearly rupturing and killing me (and yes it was that bad) and me trying to control a rented boat in Zante on the way to turtle island...sudden wind change became extremely dangerous. Never again...

What do you think is the most difficult sport?

Trying to leave your warm bed because you have to be somewhere. I mean, there's so many obstacles to overcome!

How old were you when you got your first computer?

Um....I don't know but I was in year 8 at the time? I think 14/15 idk.

What are you most proud of?

Saving someones life. Other than that I don't actually have...well I can't think of anything :/

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

independence day. what's not to like about independence day are you crazyyy?!

What do you believe happens to us after we die?

I think we are born as another person. For every person that dies, there's a baby being born that moment too. Seems legit lol.

Did you ask someone a whole bunch of questions lastnight as anonymous or should I be worried? :p

*cough*should be worried..

Could you name the 10 most important people in your life, doesn't have to be in any order.

OK me me me me Ben & Jerry me me me me me. Lol :P

If you could be one place in the world right now where would it be? What would you be doing?

In the sky in Dubui because I jumped out of a plane because im so fucking mental.

If you could have anything for dessert, what would it be? lol

Im hungry. im always hungry, i should eat properly. Damnit. Ill eat any desert but especially ben & jerrys ice cream because it loves me and i love it back <3

As an extremely attractive girl, do you ever feel that most men just want you for your body and not your amazing mind and personality?

Im not an extremely attractive girl you are drunk lolololol!!!! Men just want womens bodies full stop as long as they are breathing its absoloutely ok, if shes just and doesnt know what shes doing, its ok, if she says no it apparently means yes >.> (P.s, not all guys but 98& of them)

What is the secret to a happy life?

Doing things that make you happy. Working towards your goals & enjoying yourself around the positive people in your life?


Language: English