
Emma Armstrong

Ask @Emma92uk

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Her boyfriend is ugly as fuck. I'd be better for her.

You are nasty I don't like you there's no way you would be "better" who the fuck do you think you are?! Beauty is deeper than skin. So what if he isn't exactly *insert sexy celebrity here* maybe he does actually make my friend really happy and that's all that should matter. I have met him myself and he's a very nice guy. Think about what you say before you say it you insensitive pig!
Liked by: Nicole Hawkins

What worries you the most?

Probably too much stuff.....like being unable to pay bills for example. I worry about people in general too when tbh I should worry about myself a little bit more. Unfortunately there isn't a switch to "stop caring completely" just like there isn't a switch for "feelings'. I probably worry about people who don't even spare a single thought for me.

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What's the longest you've gone without a haircut?

A year :\ im so poor i can only afford my hair cut once a year. Kill me now.

Ever had a dick that was just to big?

I think i know who this is, one because you cant spell very well and two, you haven't stopped talking about sex so if this is my ex i just want to say you have a small dick now please leave me alone.

Ever had cum on your face?

No thank god lol. Who is this? Sexually obsessed with me or something? Jeez.

When's the last time you 'sext' a boy?

I don't do boys I do real men thanks lol. Boys are so last year.

So is that a yes or no to having it in the butt?

Why are you obsessed with talking about sex anyways you sound like my ex ffs. Do you not have anything creative to ask or somethin?

What's one thing you've always hoped to do "one day"?

Own a high tech macbook pro so i can make music :'( that falls in with what i want "to do one day"

Ever had it put in your butt?

Lmao oi chux I'm calling your mother so she can beat you with a wooden spoon!

What was he doing for you to have to fake it?

Lol that's not for your knowledge. Yes sure ill talk about sex no problem but I keep my sex life private if its with someone I once loved. It would be unfair on them and I'm sure, well Im certain he would say the same.
I'm quite open to talk but I'm just saying some things are best kept private.

Who did you last say “I love you” to?

Probably my nephews. I don't really tell people I love them but when I do I mean it.

Ever faked it?

Once or twice, every woman has at some point lol probably a horrible truth for guys lol. However, im not afraid to speak up, I know what I like. I know what I want. Communication is key. And so is listening.. don't settle for shit sex innit haha

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

Nandos. Standard lol I've only had it once cause I'm poor and don't have a special someone to buy me some.lol :( life

Would you love it if a guy was to give you Candy and flowers took you to a very very fancy restaurant then to top it off drove you home then kissed you good night would you marry him or slap him?

Why would anyone in their right mind slap a guy if he did that lol

What's the nicest thing someone could do for you on Valentine's Day?

Anything just as long as there's thought and effort involved.


Language: English