
Emma Armstrong

Ask @Emma92uk

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a soda companys slogan should be so cold it will make you shit bricks

I'm getting extremely off questions right now along with weird stuff like this lol is this the same person?

you wanna know what i find weird.. SKIRTS its like umm somebody might see something on a windy day. D:

Note to yourself: don't wear a skirt of a windy day then lol
Liked by: Barbie Bieber

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If somebody gave you 1 billion dollars or whatever the country you live in currencey is would you gave your head for it?

Some people are so poor all they have is money.

Do you think a guy needs hair or must be bald or doesn't matter to you?

Well the last guy I dated didn't have much hair tbh I was into the person he was I wasn't with him for his looks. The best thing ever is to love someone for the person they are because when you do you start to naturally somehow love them the way they are and I think that's so much more powerful than just loving someone just for their looks.

Do you think a girl would go straight to jail no questions asked if a girl goes outside with no pants or panties or a shirt or a bra on at all.. Lmfao I know this is so stupid but only a stupid person would do that huh?

This genuinely made me crack up like WUUUT?!! :')
WELL, the naughty thong is, it all depends IF you get caught lmaoo

What was the dumbest thing you ever done? The dumbest thing i ever done was put a D battery in my mouth.. AND That SHIT HURT

I've done a lot of pretty fuckin funny stupid shit lol I'm not even gonna expose myself to that level lmao

Do you think there is going to be a place that isn't heaven or hell but called limbo where only mid-bad people go?.

I don't believe in god however I believe in Karma :) but yeah I just think we die and wake up as another person...."Life goes on" lol

Has any guy pissed you off when you was on your pms? IF yes did the guy get beat up or kicked in the nuts or something?

So has any guy pissed me off while I was on my period? Well, guys just piss me off full stop and I speak for every single woman lol and gosh beating up a guy I wouldnt go to the extreme :/ that's abusive Mann lol firstly that's a massive NEVER and secondly I wouldnt want to ever make a guy feel absolutely tiny thats just heartless..

what would you rather do for a living be president of the states or be a girl on front of a magazine wearing nothing but a bikini but on the top of the magazine it says worlds most beautiful women.

President FTW. Id rather be intelligent and sort my fucking shit country out.

How many kids do you want to have in the future?

Undecided. I'm scared of motherhood. Honest. I think, if I met "the right guy" things may change though. I'm 20 I don't exactly get broody I don't know why I think its actually just me.

What does pmsl mean/

"Pissing My Self Laughing" but the fucktard who came up with "PMSL" obviously couldnt spell "Myself" correctly...so really it should be "PML"

Imagine a 60 year old man no children or wife or family going into a chuckie cheese and just sitting down watching little kids play

What's chuckie cheese? And, that sounds kinda creepy lol

I hate guys that treat us gals like tools

Come off anon hun we can talk? I've been through so much shit I can write a book lol. Talk to me :)

Is PMS make you like all emtional or something?

Yes. You don't want to do anything to even slightly piss us off. I MEAN, ANYTHING.

Do girls like players if you know what i mean..

Guys fucking other girls whilst fucking me ermmmmm obviously not. Stupid bitches like that shit.

I'm the drunk as hell but i am a different then the other world without guys anon.

This....I tried reading it but I found it made no sence lmao


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