
Viv Nelsen

Ask @viviennelsen

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omay hahaha, i wanna smelll , :( hahahaha boy to boy kissing is sexay

I KNOW RIGHT. I have yet to see one live.

do u use a backpack for school?? take a pic plssss

No, i'm not much of a backpack user! I like shoulder bags more for that smooth school-to-hanging out transition. Check my Instagram, I mostly include the bags I use in my #OOTDs. This one is my current favorite, it's from Get2GoBags on IG!
Liked by: Mohamed Shalby

grabe mga basher hahaha ayaw nila ng mga tweet mo pero naka follow sila sayo tapos sila pa magagalit haha

Ang labo diba HAHAHA. Hayaan mo na, someone once told me that wild birds peck on the best fruit. I don't believe it entirely, but it's great advice to get me by
Liked by: Zion Manlapaz

Tell me why you love alaska young so much. The first time i read her i fell in love with her as well, and i've been searching for someone (not to fall in love with) that's really like her. (ps cried when she died)

I instantly identified with her! She's crazy (not literally), she loves books and she's spontaneous. At that time, I already loved books and was a bit crazy, but not spontaneous. I think i've been trying these past few years to be as carefree as her. I worry too much. I want to be free from what others think of me. I want to be free from myself. I want to be Alaska. (PS ME TOO!!!!!!!! I totally believe it was a suicide. I actually admired her more for it because I had no idea she had deep problems. Totally relatable for a girl who keeps it all on the inside)

Quick reminder that you're lovely and fuck what others say. Stay awesome!

Quick reminder that you're just as lovely for being so kind :) Thank you so much and stay sweet! Good night x

may mga bagay na di mo na kelangan i- tweet dahil di nman kelangan malaman ng lahat ng tao.. show off ka masiyado

Isn't it my Twitter, though? The unfollow button is welcome to be clicked any time :)

thank you! wag mo na pansinin haters mo! Ganda mo kaya sa icon mo :)

Hope i helped :) aww thanks! that's probably the prettiest i've ever been (#noshame) and it's all admittedly because of the makeup! So i really dont understand why i can't be allowed to like myself every once in a while, because i mostly don't. Lol

pls help me!! with both nalang pala :) The os and case and stuff hehe thanks

There's not much to customize sa iOS since it's kinda locked :( The best I could suggest is downloading a third party keyboard app that you could actually put a picture in hehe. As for the case, go crazy!! That's about it LOL. Android's the best for customization.

I dont define you as a famewhore, you're like a real life fictional character in John green's books

This has got to be the best compliment ever. I love Alaska Young. SO. MUCH.


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