
Viv Nelsen

Ask @viviennelsen

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What will you do when some random number texts you and tells you that he doesn't really know you and some person just wrote your number in his notebook and that he just texted you because someone said you were pretty? :(

hmm if you introduce yourself properly then we might become friends yay

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What type of movie do you like? Name one movie of that type.

i'm not sure about the type of movie lol but i really like The Dead Poets Society!!

Would you risk your friendship so that you could tell a person how you feel?

errr i'd prolly just wait for that person to tell me first hahah
Liked by: Marc DM

That means you got full of nutrition if you don't get sick and sleep late :D but be careful. It's bad for your health :( (not sleeping early)

aww thanks, will keep that in mind!! :)
Liked by: محمد


Language: English