
Viv Nelsen

Ask @viviennelsen

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specifically what salon

The one near our place, but i think they sell those shampoos in stores rin! She's friends with the supplier eh lol. I also suggest Dove's shampoos ☺️

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What's the most unusual thing in your refrigerator, right now?

BROWN. MILK. BROWN MILK????? (My mom's on an organic diet)

review class or review myself huhu

If you think you can do it by yourself and dont see the point of wasting money on reviews, review by yourself (or with friends)! Invest in good review books (ex. MSA) and set aside a few hours a day for reviewing. If youre not very good with time management or self-study, i suggest enrolling in a review center :) either way, in the end, it's all you. Review books and classes are useless if you don't focus well enough on the test. good luck! x

Ok so theres this boy he really like me for a really long time now, and im starting to fall. Then he keeps sending me "I love you" texts these past few days.. i dont know what to respond and i kind of falling for him too. What should i do? Please help

How long have you know this guy? What triggered his "i love you's"? :)


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