
Una Fénix

Ask @Toma5oo5

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If you were in a relationship whatever it was, and it takes one turn rather than a full case, will you pull yourself out or prefer to stay in periods? (serious question)

If I were in that kind of a relationship, I'd pull myself out and leave it all.

انا كمان عايزة اعرف انتِ لية رافضاه :D

علشان روحوا مارسوا المراهقة و هرمونات كل شهر دي بعيد عني بليظ.

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I'm the one who sent you the trailers, did you see Son of god? ((:

I didn't yet. I really want to, but this week is my exams week, the next is the prom and graduation and I'm so busy preparing for both, so I decided to watch it on the summer holiday when I have nothing else to do. :)
Did you watch any of them?

It's like there's some competition, but I still don't get it. I'm awake rn feeling like I was missing something? Idek maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me.

It probably is your mind.
Maybe there's a fear of something that you know deep inside you that you don't want to face?
For example, I used to fear that someone when I was about 8-9, and I used to dream every night of that person hitting me or hitting someone in front of me and the dream usually ended up by me being beaten or dead.
I gave up my fear of the person and I barely dream about her/him anymore. Which is awesome.
What I'm trying to say is, you know that deep inside you you fear something that causes you to have such a dream, and you know what is that something. Try to get rid of your fear either by talking about it to someone or by writing about it or any other way that helps you express how you really feel (emotions, thoughts, fears & hopes) honestly.
And I'm always here if you needed any further help or if you needed someone to talk to. :)

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I dreamt more than once that I'm going to die if I didn't do something? & I'm really confused, I don't know what the reflection is from my thoughts and such.

I don't get the first part of the question. You had a dream more than once that you're going to die if you -for example- didn't obey what you were told to do.
Did I get that right?
And are you wondering whether is it or not a reflection of your thoughts and feelings?

اتغيرتي ليه يا فاطمة؟؟

أهو بقى.
هتعمل إيه يعني ؟
الإنسان قابل للتغيُر. عادي فشخ.

روحي اتعالجي انتي حالتك بقت صعبه

حاضر من عينيا الإثنين.

انتي أصلا مش بتحبي حاجه

حاجة دي إللي هم الحاجات إللي زيك ؟ أه مش بحبهم إطلاقاً.
Liked by: Osama Ahmed

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

Cereals with milk/yogurt, or pancakes with maple syrup.

عشان انتى تهمينى.

ههم حد أكثر ما ههم نفسي ؟ فكرِك يعني ؟
على العموم شكراً فشخ على إهتمامك :)

فاطمة بجد انا مش فهماكى .. انتى بتقولى "والنبى يارب" و " والله " إزاى وإنتى بتقولى إنك ألحدتى ؟! .-.

إنتي حاطة الموضوع في دماغك ليه ؟
فهميني و هجاوبك بجد.

من خلال فترة اللى قضتها ف الاسك ايه رايك ف الاسك والناس اللى ع اسك ؟

أغلب الناس إللي عليه بيض و خراء، فيه منهم قلة قليلة فشخ كويسين و فكرهم كويس.

3andek kam followers 3la ask ? :D

هتفرق معاك في إيه ؟
إيه المعلومة إللي السؤال ده هيضيفهالك بالنسبة لفكر و شخصية فاطمة ؟
Liked by: Osama Ahmed

شكرا ليكى إنتى علشان لما بتفرحى كدا بتفرحينى معاكى ^^


أه طب تمام :D .. المهم خلى بالك من نفسك بس :)

حاضر. :)
شكراً يا أنونـ/ـة. مش عارفالك ولد و ألا بنت.

لا مش أنا يعنى اية تريلرز أصلا :D

طيب تمام. :)
Trailer. يعني إعلان الفيلم
إتطمنـ/ـي عموماً

طب كويس :) كنت بتطمن عليكى بس ^^

إتطمن/إتطمني. :)
هو إنتـ/ـي إللي باعثـ/ـة التريلرز بتوع الأفلام ؟ مش عارفة ليه حسيت إنكم نفس الشخص

اللى انتى هتكونيه انا هكونه :)

يا حلاوة.
خلاص كونـ/ـي كويسة، الـ "عادي" دي مش بالضرورة شيء سيء. :)

تعضي = تفرشي الملايه يعني

ما أنا فاهماك :D
جوابي ما زال نفسه، مش فيه حاجة تترد على كلامك


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