
Una Fénix

Ask @Toma5oo5

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I loved the sentence "و كان كل البنات فى مصر م السرير ده للسرير ده" just imagine :D

It sounds so.. nasty.

السؤال عن الsex اجابتك عليه ناقصة,اجابتك مفيهاش النسبة الكبيرة من البنات اللى بيحافظوا على نفسهم لحد الجواز على سنه الله و رسوله عن اقتناع مش مجبورين او خايفين من نظرة الناس ليهم او خايفين من اهلهم وكأن كل البنات ف مصر من السرير دة للسرير دة ارجوكى انقلى صورة احسن لمصر دة مهما كان بلدك

الإجابة مش ناقصة.
أنا قلت some، ده أولاً
صانياً، السؤال كان على "إزاي بيتعاملوا مع إحتياجاتهم الجنسية" و على أساسه أنا رديت.
إللي بيسأل عارف إن أغلب الناس مش بيمارسوا الجنس قبل الزواج
قبل ما تحكم على حاجة إفهمها و إقرأها كويس
الراجل سأل عن إزاي بيتعاملوا مع الموضوع ده و أنا جاوبت

i appreciate your honesty and you being fearless and open about it but i still wonder where you personally stand on the matter like..,could you have sex with someone without marriage if you really love him? could you have sex just for sex? are you a virgin?

No, I wouldn't have sex with someone before marriage nor I would do it for the sake of having sex only.
I'm the type of person who LOVES herself and appreciates it. It just doesn't seem right to me to nude my body -and soul- to someone who is not related to me by any means but words.
Liked by: jehan tarik

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بتكرهينى ليه يا سعاد ؟

أنا مش بكرهك يا عبواحد.
إنت مين يا عبواحد ؟

and what will you do ?

You've been asking me questions for a few days now, who said that we couldn't be friends -then I can love you as a friend- if I knew you?

ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمُ اسْتَحَبُّواْ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا عَلَى الآخِرَةِ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِينَ طَبَعَ اللَّهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ وَسَمْعِهِمْ وَأَبْصَارِهِمْ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ لاَ جَرَمَ أَنَّهُمْ فِي الآخِرَةِ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ

طيب حاضر و ماله.

ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمُ اسْتَحَبُّواْ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا عَلَى الآخِرَةِ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ


ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمُ اسْتَحَبُّواْ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا عَلَى الآخِرَةِ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ


if my knowledge "out of documentaries and youtube" serves me right, most ppl in Egypt don't have sex before marriage even the Christians (which is mind boggling),but to each his own,my question is how do they deal with their sexual needs and does living here changes the way you look at this issue?

I don't know. People in Egypt are raised to ignore their sexual needs and treat them as if they were a sin, but when they start growing up and realizing these needs, they start to explore and try to know everything they can about the sex life any way they can.
Some people masturbate, some watch porn, some girls have anal sex because they don't want to lose their virginity, and other girls have sex and lose their virginity and have an operation done before marriage so it looks like they've never had sex before.
It's all about the culture itself. People in Egypt -and eastern cultures in general- care more about what they see, not what really happened. For example, a man would be sure that his fiancee had had sex with her ex and lost her virginity and got this operation done to make her look like she's a virgin, and he wouldn't mind it as long as no one knows and as long as every body else thinks that she's "pure" as they might say.
I just want to clarify that even before I come to Canada, I look at the whole thing as ridiculous and stupid. I believe that virginity is not just a hymen. If a girl sees herself sacred and not to be touched by any man before marriage, she wouldn't care about where or what culture she is in. She'd protect herself without being told to do so. And if a man REALLY cares about his wife's virginity, he wouldn't care which culture she came from. -Most Egyptian men wouldn't marry an Egyptian non-virgin because she's "a slut", yet they would still marry any western non-virgin because "it's her culture that she grew up in"-.
It's disgusting. The whole mentality and society thing in the middle east is just disturbing.

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Liked by: omnya Ashraf

who to accept marrying him ?

No one that I know/knew so far.
As I said before, no one is impressive enough.

name five people you want to meet

1. ريما
2. أحمد حسن
3. محمد طه
4. محمد دهشان
5. محمد الشيخ

ما هي العقول الذكيه في رأيك ؟

العقول إللي بتعرف تفكر و تخطط كويس.
السؤال غريب شوية و مش هعرف أوصل إجابتي كويس الحقيقة.
Liked by: Sara Abou El Fadl

yea,you are right...mostly, but ppl will not judge you alone,they will judge your family too,some of your family will defend you some of them will condemn you,and some will choose to forget about you completely like you don't exist...why all the heartache?

I'm sure that my parents and sisters will be on my side, why would I care about anyone else if those ones are with me?

did living away from your home country changed you?how?when you return,aren't you scared of how ppl over there might judge the new fatima...,how would they perceive you ?

It absolutely did!
I became more independent, I gained new experiences because I had the chance to live and experience another culture that is totally different from eastern cultures, and my interests changed according to the change that occurred on my personality.
No, I'm not afraid of people judging me when I go back to Egypt. I stopped giving a fuck about people a long time ago. If I'm being myself or if I'm blindly following their/society's expectations, people will judge me anyways. So, why not be myself and not give a shit about them?
Very few will have the courage to actually judge me out loud. And when they do, I know how to stop them.
Well, I didn't think about how would they react to the new version of me, but I know that the rest of my family will not be impressed, but who cares as long as I'm accepting myself?

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Liked by: Sara Abou El Fadl

do you feel sorry for anyone ? why ?

No, I don't.
I make sure that I don't upset the very few people who I care about. So, there's no one who I feel sorry for/about at that time.
But I apologize when I do -or feel that I did- something wrong.
Liked by: Sara Abou El Fadl

who ? would u name him ?

Why would you assume that it's a "him" not a "her"? Hmm, weird.
However, more than one person lost my respect for them lately. About 3 people.
They already know.

what would happen to lose your respect to any ?

I have a feeling that you're the same anonymous that asked that question. Are you?
Anyway, I ignore people who lose my respect for them.
First, I tell them that they are no longer respected by me. Then, I ignore them and get them out of my life.
بس :)


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