
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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ada gak cewek pribumi yang lo taksir di kampus lo? #rasis #no #offense #peace oke mungkin gak suka deh. dikagumi. bisa temen/gebetan terserah. tapi lo saat liat dia, lu ngerasa dia interesting. di mention lebih bagus lagi :p thanks before

lah emang ngeliat interest dari race-nya aja apa?
Buat gue semua sama. As long as dia bisa keep in conversation, dan nyambung mah bakal seru seru aja tuh.
Anyway, gak mau nyebut ah. Nanti giliran nyebut yang ini di cie-in, yang itu di cie-in aja. Pokoknya I be friended with friends bukan karena they have the same race with me or whatever. ehe

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Tau model fblogger arnold teja kan? dia pernah masuk top 30 finalist buat #CastMeMarc itu. ayo ikutan juga siapa tau terpilih top 9 kan lumayan bikin bangga Indonesia juga hhaha

wah dia juga masuk? emang dia kece sih dan model look banget.
da aku mah apa, cuma remahan jasjus yang udah tumpah :(
anyway, orang korea ini lucu sekali ya style-nya.
Tau model fblogger arnold teja kan dia pernah masuk top 30 finalist buat
Liked by: melysaaa

Why do girls' and boys' clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

ya biar lebih gampang lah buat ngelakuin hal yang diinginkan.
iya maksudnya, mandi.

You thoughts on "equality for all" ?

susah sih ngomong equality karena kalo saya ngomong A, nanti ada yang comment, ngomong B, tetep ada yang complaint lagi, sampe ngomong Z pun pasti ada yang bahas lagi. mendingan gak usah aja.
aku mau ngomongin #CastMeMarc aja deh. Iya memang udah dari lama sih #CastMeMarc ini dari F/W 2014 kemarin. Tapi karena bosen ya browsing di youtube deh ngeliat ngeliat profile orang-orangnya
Dan campaign ini sukses banget ya, mungkin ini yang namanya equality for all, no discrimination. Keren aja bisa ngeliat orang-orang biasa jadi model buat campaign Marc Jacobs. Orang-orang dari manapun bisa jadi model, regardless what your race, religion and sexual orientation.
ini yang Fall/Winter 2014 kemaren, ada orang South Korea yang bentuknya lucu sekali. coba diliat deh.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywg-_kHbJyodannysuyandi’s Video 124309739542 ywg-_kHbJyodannysuyandi’s Video 124309739542 ywg-_kHbJyo
Lalu ini #CastMeMarc yang buat Spring/Summer 2015 kemaren, and I see one gorgeous girl from Singapore, campuran India and she looks gorgeous with all the tattoos. Oiya trus ada lagi yang dari South Korea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_C80xnbbQAdannysuyandi’s Video 124309739542 g_C80xnbbQAdannysuyandi’s Video 124309739542 g_C80xnbbQA
keren-keren semua ya. next campaign pengen ikut #CastMeMarc ah sapa tau bisa jadi modelnya. ehe.

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You thoughts on equality for all

what if one day you wake up and realize you are no longer in love with the one you are currently madly in love with?

sums up everything :)
what if one day you wake up and realize you are no longer in love with the one
Liked by: a ya-ya

Pernah ngerasain di backstabbing sama orang yang lo anggap temen dan lo percaya gak? Gimana rasanya dan gimana cara lo ngehandlenya?

kamu ledakkin balon aja di depan dia, trus bilang gini deh.....
Pernah ngerasain di backstabbing sama orang yang lo anggap temen dan lo percaya

Pernah gak merasa males bgt ngelakuin somethg yg lu ngerasa gak fit disitu but u should do it misalnya group project yang actually you're not really click with those ppl there and the project but because your score is also related makanya u ikutan tp jatuhnya lu setengah2 ngerjainya. how dyou think?

tetap bersyukur ya....
Pernah gak merasa males bgt ngelakuin somethg yg lu ngerasa gak fit disitu but u

bang,kok kayanya lo gasuka gitu sm ust.felix,knp bg?

wah kamu kok suka sekali menduga duga.
coba darimananya saya bilang kalo saya tidak suka sama Felix Siauw? adakah saya mengeluarkan statement tersebut di post saya terdahulu?
jujur saja, saya gak tau siapa Felix Siauw, cuma pernah denger namanya, melihat mukanya pun belum pernah, lalu saya google orangnya sekaligus quote quote yang mungkin dia pernah keluarkan. eh kebetulan ada ngeliat parodinya. dan leh uga.
Bahkan kalo kamu perhatikan pun, yang nge like facebook Felix Kwetiau sudah 2,558 likes. so don't blame me, I just see what I see.
bangkok kayanya lo gasuka gitu sm ustfelixknp bg

thoughts on sex before marriage and how if one your close friend did that?

pernikahan bukan dilihat dari virginitas seseorang saja Mb/Mz.
Well, you are lucky if you marry someone who's still virgin, but if you don't, then you wanna leave it?
Kalo kamu menikahi seseorang karena dilihat dari selangkangan, beli saja sex doll dan menikah lah dengannya.
Kamu menikah karena kamu cinta, karena kamu ingin melihat dia yang setiap pagi berada di sampingmu, dia yang setiap pagi senyum dan memasak sarapan buatmu, dia yang selalu membuatmu ingin pulang tepat waktu.
lalu dengan pertanyaanmu yang kedua, I don't give a shit. Terus kalau teman saya having sex before marriage, saya mah bodo amat. balik lagi, saya berteman bukan didasarkan virginity seseorang, tapi karena saya memang senang berada bersama teman saya, and we have the same interest.
sekian. ehe.

Hello, hi! A really self-centred question here, based on anything you know about me irl/url or both, where/what do you see I would be in 5-7 years? Thanks a lot!

HannaTheodora’s Profile PhotoIG: hannatheodora
I haven't meet you in real life, so I will tell based on how I see you in this platform. ehehe.
in 5 - 7 years, you will be 27 - 29 years, and by that time I would say you probably had your master degree already (probably in Marketing & Luxury Brand Management or everything related to fashion, since I know you have your bachelor in Fashion Marketing), and by that time also you already work at big fashion company, become either PR or Marketing Manager, or even become the CEO of your own company.
Might as well, you travel around big fashion cities (New York, Milan, Paris and London) every year, just to attend every famous designers' fashion show, sitting in a front row, holding your limited Hermes Birkin bag and have fun with your friends (probably we could also meet in one of the fashion show, lol).
By that time also, I could see you strolling around in New York Fifth Avenue, Barneys and Berdorf Goodman or Champs Elysées - Paris or walking around Bond street and Dover Street Market - London, to shop good things without looking at the price tags.
life's good!

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Hello hi A really selfcentred question here based on anything you know about me

Danny, if you could only keep one jacket. Which jacket would you choose? :) follback ya btw!

veenation’s Profile PhotoVania Aprilia
Hi Van!
Duh agak susah ya pertanyaannya. I love jacket so much coz it could enhance the whole look. Tp kalo boleh probably leather jacket atau coat aja deh. Macem yang KTZ punya.
Danny if you could only keep one jacket Which jacket would you choose  follback
Liked by: Iga Puspita Sari

Selebtwit vs Selebask Apa aja sih perbedaannya? Siapa yang menang? - anon pengen tau

Maaf, nanti coba lagi ya untuk bertanya ketika saya sudah menjadi selebask ataupun selebtwit.
Terima kasih.

Halo, cuman mau tanya buat kakak yang bisa bahasa inggris , selain belajar apa sih yang harus kita lakuin lagi ?, terlebih kita tinggl diindo yang pasti lalau bahasa inggrisnya salah diketawain jadi kitanya malah takut :) #thx atas infonya

Ada banyak cara sih sebenernya.
1. Belajar dari novel dan nonton movies. It does help. Coba kalo nonton film ya pake subtitle english atau kalo mau latihan listening, coba no subtitle. It does help. Kalo ada bahasa atau vocabulary yang gak ngerti, bisa cari di kamus.
2. Coba belajar ngomong sama temen, mau grammarnya salah atau nggak ya bodo amat sih. Namanya juga belajar. Seru seruan aja. Dulu gue pun suka coba ngobrol sama temen pake bahasa inggris biar seru.
3. Sering sering baca blog, website atau nulis di blog pake bahasa inggris.
Believe it or not, pas SMA kelas 1 itu I was in the bottom of the english class (my school differ the english class with intensive, intermediate and advance, and yeah I was in the intensive class). my english was terribly suck, like totally. But since then, I always motivate myself. Jadilah pas SMA kelas 2, I move from Intensive class to intermediate. Tapi di kelas intermediaye pun I work my ass so damn hard, jadi tiap ujian dapet 90-100, then pas SMA 3 I moved again to Advance class. Tapi saya rasa bahasa inggris saya masi dibawah rata-rata, masi terus belajar karena masi banyak vocabulary yang belom diketahui. Belum lagi grammar yang kadang pun suka acak-adul.
But anyway, good luck!

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Liked by: sunny.side

Based on your opinion, what is the purpose of social media besides as an information?

Well, for me social media become a platform where one could actually show off for what they have.
For example I take one social media that has big impact, which is Instagram.
Yes thanks to instagram, people who love photography (either behind or in front of the camera) can actually show off their personal style. Let us take a look at @garypeppergirl, @cupofcouple, @oraclefox, @ernandaputra @pupupaula, @anazsiantar or many other awesome people. They provide tons of good pictures that can inspire people and can make people say, 'I have to follow this guy/girl'. You see, self branding is important in social media. What you want to be known as, either blogger, fashion entusiast, photographer, social influencer or anything.
So yeah, for me social media are more like self-branding towards the person who use it ;)

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Based on your opinion what is the purpose of social media besides as an
Liked by: a ya-ya


Hi everyone, currently I'm working on my skripsi and would like to ask for your favor and help me fill up my questionnaire. It takes less than 5 minutes.
Thank you for all your kindness, help and your good deed.
cheers x
here's the link: http://goo.gl/ZXQRuW
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