
Danny Suyandi

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Post your most liked pic on Instagram or Facebook!

Aelah sa ae sok sok nanya most liked pic. Langsung aja follow sekalian.
Sa ae lu.
Post your most liked pic on Instagram or Facebook
Liked by: Cikal Pinia Agista

What holiday gift would make you really happy?

peralatan sekolah tahun 90an would be such a great memory to remember don't you think?
What holiday gift would make you really happy
Liked by: Pinia Agista

wajar nggak sih kalo pacar kita tiba tiba bilang, kalo dia butuh kebebasan, gak butuh kita lagi sama sekali, tapi kita gak putus . dia cuma mau bebas sebebas bebasnya bebas. tapi ditanya alesannya yagitu gapapa cuma mau bebas aja, tapi juga gabakal nyari pacar lagi (katanya)?

Yaudah kasih kebebasan.
Kalo dia itu jodohmu ya pasti kembali. Kalo bukan, mau gimanapun akan tetap berpisah :)
wajar nggak sih kalo pacar kita tiba tiba bilang kalo dia butuh kebebasan gak

What's the movie that made you cry?

this isn't a movie, but I just want to post this since it does touch my heart.
you guys should watch it as well. It's all about the skeleton who kiss, hug and dance before a crowd.
You guys should see what comes up next.
Very touching.
As quoted,
" The truth is this...when it all boils down to it, we're meant to love one another, not judge one another. We're quick to cast judgments on people based on the color of their skin, their age, their physical abilities...but love overcomes all of that. Love doesn't know prejudice. Love conquers all.
When you take away all of the outer appearance, it becomes much easier to accept people for who they are, doesn't it? "
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnDgZuGIhHsdannysuyandi’s Video 124969542166 PnDgZuGIhHsdannysuyandi’s Video 124969542166 PnDgZuGIhHs

how much do your usual ootd costs?(from head to toe) and how much do you normally spend money on shopping? thankyou!

It depends. I don't even count the cost of my ootd. Selama gue suka dan percaya diri, ya langsung pake aja.
The key is being confident.
Untuk pertanyaan kedua, kalo lagi liat, suka dan dompet lagi ada isi ya beli, kalo nggak mah tahan aja sampe kira-kira ada pemasukan. ehehehe.
ps: a tips for you
how much do your usual ootd costsfrom head to toe and how much do you normally


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