
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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Soooo my dearest dance! How do you describe you super fab style? :3

Igapuspitasari’s Profile PhotoIga Puspita Sari
Well, I dress based on my mood. I frankly don't have specific style. But I do like to wear something that can catch people's attention. You know what I mean ;)
Liked by: Iga Puspita Sari

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iaa de nnti gw tnya inesnya so she cud def open her eyes and realized that ur just using her to bcome famous like her haha..

Oke kabarin aja ya nanti, kalo perlu langsung line gue aja. I'll be waiting. Jangan bohong loh, gak suka dibohongin :(
Liked by: Iga Puspita Sari

smenjak ifw kok jadi blagu si? ngersa uda senior gr" ud bs msuk ifw? lol. btw ur famous bcause u hang out with ines so yuh no offense

Iya nih gw jg bingung kenapa Ines mau temenan sama gua :( harusnya sama lu aja ya biar elu yang famous.
Coba tanya Inesnya deh :(
Liked by: Iga Puspita Sari

kerja dimana kak? dulu kuliah dimana?

kerja di PT Gagan, retail fashion. Sekarang masih kuliah kok, di President Univ, in case you know. lol

Klo diperusahaan u kerja digaji ga? marketing communication tu ngapain aja?

Fortunately again, yes!
Kalo kerjanya sih sebagaimana marketin-communication bekerja. Relation to media, as well as creating events for the brands itself, misalnya fashion show, new store opening, dan lain lain.
Liked by: Ines Ariani

Intern jadi apa? Intern gitu digaji nggak sih? Caranya jadi intern itu gmn?

fortunately jadi marketing communication.
Masalah digaji apa nggaknya sih tergantung sama company-nya sendiri. Kalo cara jadi intern, ya apply-apply aja ke perusahaan yang kamu mau, tinggal tunggu dipanggil dan interview deh.

Where do you work?

I'm now working as an intern at PT. Gagan, retail fashion that managed several brands such as Ted Baker, Bebe, Vans, Promod, Evita Peroni, etc.
Liked by: Jeal Angel

When did you figure out that you are into fashion?

When I was high school I guess. I love to dress up in every school's events and I do love unique things to wear that can catch people's attention. Then, in college I explore more about fashion since we can wear everything we like (there's no uniform in campus).
Liked by: cynthia loren

What was your first big disappointment?

When my parents didn't allow me to get a bachelor degree abroad.

What would you like to change?

If I say nothing that would be naive. So I'd rather say a lot, from the inside as well as from the outside.

Who are the people you spend the most time with?

Right now would probably my office mates since I spend approximately 8 hours of working.

What is your favorite online shopping site?

mrporter.com and choeis.com. No I lied, never shop there.

Where would you like to spend your holiday?

Wherever when I can spend my quality time either with family, friends or alone.

Would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home?

Cook some foods at home and bring out to some fancy dinner. Is it even possible?

Language: English