
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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I actually wanted to post the bill and show off tapi kayaknya udah kebuang deh haha :)) Di bawah jalan layang pasteur. Namanya Seafood Lautan Merah. Kemarin pesen udang asam manis, cumi saus tiram, cumi saus padang, nasi putih 3, es teh manis 2 sama teh manis anget 1. Iya, abisnya 63 ribu bertiga.

suviantara’s Profile Photosuviantara
nih for those yang mau pergi ke Bandung.
Kapan lagi euy bisa makan seafood dengan menu yang banyak dan murah? ;)

At what age did you discover your sexuality? How important is sex in your existence, and has this changed over time?

At what age did you actually concern about people's sexuality and people's business? :)

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When or how do you know if someone is just not that into you? And how do you deal with it?

I'm that kind of people who can actually read situation. Whenever he/she show that kind of attitude or barely talk to me, I will introspect myself first rather than stay away from him/her. Probably I did something wrong towards them.
Afterwards, try to talk to them, but not literally tell them their attitude or what I feel. Try to talk as usual, like friendly talk. If it still doesn't make any change, probably they are not your type of friend who can hanging out with you.

Uda geline panjang , gak dibales, eh ternyata pacar lg asyik ngepath. Pendaptnya gmn tuh ?

yailah itu sedih amat :(
kalo dia ngepath lagi check in/dengerin lagu, coba langsung comment di path-nya aja, tulis pake capslock. 'NGEPATH BISA BALES LINE PACAR GABISA. BAGUS YA.'
tunggu aja reaksinya apa. biasa sih langsung bales line kamu.
kalo ngga
ya sudahi saja.

kak kasi ide dong kak bagusnya drama musikal yang tentang sekolahan gitu anak anaknya anak kelas 3 SMA gitu, bagusnya kyk mana ya kak jalan ceritanya? ide dong kak yg unik2 dan antimaenstream gt dong kak hehehe

well honestly, I'm not that smart kalo disuruh bikin jalan cerita, either it's only drama or musical drama. Hidup saya aja udah susah, masih mau sok-sokan bikin karangan drama lagi. Atau mau jalan cerita hidup saya aja dijadiin drama? HAHA.
Either way, coba nonton drama High School Musical or Glee. It explained a lot about all the drama(s) in high school. I prefer with Glee though, like it was all real, from all the bitches, the geek, the drama queen, the victim of bully, the teachers, affair and all things in high school ;)
kak kasi ide dong kak bagusnya drama musikal yang tentang sekolahan gitu anak

Iyaiya bener emang nyebelin rumah makan yg ga nyantumin harga. Btw ada rumah makan seafood enak dan murah bgt di Bandung, kemarin makan bertiga cuma abis 63rb udah sama minum. Luar biasa.

suviantara’s Profile Photosuviantara
Aduh kak a-must-visit-restaurant banget sih itu mah. kapan lagi seafood bertiga bisa 63ribu!
*maafkan capslock jebol, ga santai kalo denger seafood*

mending makan din tai fung. Ini 1jt baru makan kayak warteg -__-

yap, lebih baik tanyakan harga jikalau tidak ada di menu. menghindari kena tipu juga.
ngomong-ngomong Din Tai Fung, jadi pengen.....
mending makan din tai fung Ini 1jt baru makan kayak warteg

di notanya aja ga ada tulisan anyer ngarang lu

eh yang punya restoran-nya dateng nih tiba-tiba ^^
kan saya bilang dapet di facebook.
coba monggo kalo ga percaya dibuka linknya.
1. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202231170731749&set=a.3460796329693.2120236.1564473819&type=1
2. https://id.berita.yahoo.com/rumah-makan-mahal-di-anyer-sering-makan-korban-030205780.html
3. http://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/heboh-makan-di-anyer-sampai-habis-rp-1-juta.html
itu ya dibaca dulu baik-baik. terserah juga sih mau percaya apa nggak. saya juga ga bisa mastiin itu pasti apa nggak, soalnya belum ke Anyer lagi. Ya palingan juga di restoran manapun mending hati-hati. Kalo gak ada harga di menunya lebih baik ditanya dulu ^^
Liked by: Irfany

make sense kok kak. itu kan 400 ribu ikan bakarnya 2. jadi 1 ikan bakarnya tuh 200 ribu dan aku tanya ibu aku itu normal hehe

Kalo ikan bakar sih masi masuk diakal.
Kalo kangkungnya coba. Trus belom lagi nasinya 2 porsi bisa 90ribu. Aduh itu nasinya diimpor dari Amerika apa ya? :(

Emang si ka kadang di Anyer tempat makan harganya ga manisiawi..

iya ya jadi harus dibiasakan untuk bertanya sebelum pesen makanan. Biar gak kena tipu hehehe

If you could erase one person / memory from your mind, would you do it and why?:)

honestly, I want to delete several people just want to forget everything we probably had.
But then again, I believe all people who come into my life are all great. They are not only giving me experience and friendship, but also lesson. I believe deleting all the memory won't make you learn from your mistake. Let just make them as a great memory to remember.
If you could erase one person  memory from your mind would you do it and why

Apa resolusi (bukan resolusi layar hp, ye) yg belom/udah kesampean taun ini? :D

inosaurus’s Profile Photoino_cents
Well... i have a lot
1. Speak well in french language
2. Learn to sketch and design
3. Finishing my thesis
4. Build new connection
5. Dan masih banyak lagi yang belom tercapai
6. Holiday once in a month
Doakan semoga tercapai ya..

hey! just a random question from me i wanna know your thoughts on people who feel like giving up on life and do ever feel that?

People will surely face the phase where they feel like want to give up.
I honestly ever feel that way so many times. It's like life is sucks etc.
But then I remember my life goals, I remember my family and friends. I remember, I want to make my family happy and proud of who I am.
And lastly, I remember I still want to go around the world and enjoy my life.
So yeah, giving up isn't the option. It's just a bad day, not a bad life :)

How do you guys deal with loneliness?

inosaurus’s Profile Photoino_cents
1. Doing my hobby
2. Blogwalking
3. Going around and taking pictures
4. Listening to the music out loud
5. Go having a nice chat with friends

Lebih expert lu lah, fashion blogger gitu hahaha

iansudjanto’s Profile PhotoIan Junius
hahahaha kan beda tipe.
Elo kan jagonya di bidang photography. Gak kuat liat foto-fotonya.
Nih teman teman yang mau tanya tentang photography silahkan tanya ke ini orang ya ;)
Liked by: Iga Puspita Sari

I want to start my own fashion blog tetapi aku belum ada camera semacam SLR or Mirrorless Camera, terus aku liat temenku pake FujiFilm yg XE2 hasilnya bagus terus bisa share ke social media. Pernah coba Samsung NX300 ga?

Fujifilm XE2 memang bagus sekali. saya pun ingin.
oh you tell me. saya tidak pernah mengganti kamera semenjak saya SMA. Why? SImply because saya belum bekerja dan punya penghasilan tetap. That's why, I'm still enjoy with my one and only, canon eos 60D. hehehe
Liked by: Jeal Angel

Kak dan rekomendasiin kamera untuk pemula dong :)

to tell you the truth, I ain't an expert of photography. I just love taking pictures.
But I'll try to help
1. If you do want to focus on street style photography, or just your outfit of the day, using fix lens 50mm f1.8 would be fine with any type of camera (either it's canon or nikon)
2. Since I'm a canoners, probably you can try the simple one which is Canon 1100D, come along with different colors (that makes it looks cute)
3. Samsung mirrorless camera would be fine, I guess. It's like a pocket camera, where you can bring everywhere easily and can directly upload to your social media.
4. Try on lumix camera (I happened to see so many instagrammers using this camera)
5. Fujifilm XE1/XE2. Madly crazy about this handy camera. I super want it, but the price is just way too "affordable".
glad I can help. If you do have some other questions, you probably can ask my friend @ianjunius . He's more an expert of photography.

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If you received an offer to appear nude in fashion magazine, photograph by famous fashion photographer like mario testino, will you accept it?

1. The photographer is the famous one.
2. Since the photographer is famous, the fashion magazine is probably the high-end magazine and have prestige
3. since it's a high-end magazine, the payment would be awesome
4. I won't appear ugly. Simply because those who handle the fashion spread are qualified enough to put a nude-fashion photos.


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