
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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What is you fav clothing brand sir?cos i find your styleis really dope:)

hi thanks a lot!
so I'll divide into 2 categories
favorite clothing brand which I could afford to buy
1. H&M
2. Uniqlo
3. Danjyo Hyoji
4. Nikicio
5. Wellborn Company
6. Monstore
7. (X)S.M.L
favorite clothing brand which I couldn't afford to buy (yet)
*because I believe I can buy it someday with my own money
1. Alexander McQueen
2. Alexander Wang
4. Opening Ceremony
5. Givenchy
6. Patrick Owen
dan masih banyak lagi..............
but all in all, I often buy not because of their brand, but because of their uniquness and their twist in clothing (to catch attention of people). And sometimes I do buy things at thrift store because thrifting is so much fun!

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Hi, aku punya passion dibidang acting & fashion. Aku mau kursus acting tahun ini. Tapi aku kadang pesimis actres di indonesia pada cantik2, sementara aku biasa aja. Kdg aku liat dunia film indonesia lebih memprioritaskan rupa dibanding kualitas.

Well sekarang gini.
Kamu mau jadi artis yang terkenal karena rupa atau karena talent? Kalo karena rupa, untuk apa kamu cape cape ikut kursus akting?
Percaya deh sama saya, walopun saya bukan artis tapi saya tahu, artis yang terkenal karena rupa pasti gak akan bertahan lama. Kalo artis yang terkenal karena talent, itu yang akan selalu diingat dan dikenang selamanya.
ps: be confident and be proud of who you are and what you have. The thing that can make you look beautiful/handsome is your confident, not your make up.

Woah thankyou kak advice nya :') bener2 gak salah deh curhat sama kak danny, pasti cewek yg pacaran sama kakak beruntung bgt punya pacar kyk kakak. Dewasa bgt! Hiks. Sukses terus ya kak :)

Aduh lagi makan jadi keselek langsung.
Thanks btw untuk complimentnya.
Tapi sayang, saya masih jomblo

Ooh gitu ya kak, tapi aku bingung kak awal mulai chat ke dia nya gimana? Kan udah setahunan ga contact gitu. Terakhir sih telfonan april tahun lalu disitu kita udah selesain masalah ya cuma masih canggung aja lg kalo line dia lg hehehe :')

Eh hi!
Well, forget about the rules of being awkward or whatever.
Like I've said, mau makin sakit hati karena dipendem terus? Nggak kan. Just talk then.
Ya coba aja ngomong gini, hai apa kabar! Been a long time don't talk. How's life?
Jangan langsung to the point since you guys haven't talk for a while kan

Hahaha jauh si enggak dia tinggal dicibubur cuma aku orangnya pemaluan gitu kalo musti ngomong face to face. Jd aku dulu udah deket sama dia, cuma kita lost gara2 masalah sepele. Maklum kak masih labil wktu itu. Cuma krn aku udah nunggu lama, kayanya aku fikir udah wktunya aku ngomong langsung sama

nah, then you probably should talk face to face or if you afraid, coba aja cari either line/whatsapp.
Karena kalo postcard I don't think it's enough.
For me, if somebody give me postcard to say sorry and whatever it is, it's just really weird and I would probably won't notice it at all.
Take your guts, swallow your ego, and talk to him.
ps: kalo nggak berani ngomong serius, coba aja agak bercanda.
misalnya: eh gue tuh dari tahun lalu udah suka loh sama elo, hahaha. aneh ya bisa suka sama lo, but it was from my deepest heart. by the way, sorry kalo gue pernah salah sama lo ya. (yes, something like that. gausah serius serius amat, bukan mau ngelamar buat nikah kan?)

Iya kak, aku emang mau langsung ngomong tentang perasaan aku ke dia. Karna aku udah tunggu dia setahun, tapi semakin kesini aku semakin sadar kalo gak ada harapan untuk aku. Menurut kakak efisien ga ngomong nya lewat postcard? Soalnyanya aku gada contact dia

setahun? kamu kuat juga ya :")
well, I don't think we use postcard nowadays. kayaknya cuma kalo mau kasih kabar doang ke temen yang udah lama gak ketemu dan itupun yang jauh banget.
So I bet your crush is far away, right? Well then, you can use postcard, but you will wait for long time. Probably if you can track him down, you can get his contact? who knows.

Kak ini aku yg mau curhat hehe. Aku mau tanya kak menurut kakak (sebagai cowok) salah ga jika ada cewek yg mengutarakan perasaannya yg udah lama dipendam ke cowok yg dia sayang? Dia udah nunggu setahun lebih.

apa yang salah?
gak ada salahnya kok kalo mau ngomong jujur, apalagi tentang perasaan sendiri.
kalo misalkan banyak yang ngomongin kamu karena kamu 'genit' karena ngomong tentang perasaan kamu, say to them WHAT THE HELL, man. we live 21st century. udah gak zaman cewe nunggu doang, perlu juga kalo cewe say how they feel. (bukan maksud ngebelain cewe doang ya)
I mean, gak perlu deh kode-kodean atau apalah yang bikin cowo-nya sadar kalo kamu suka dia. Susah men pake kode, beruntung kalo cowoknya ngerti, lah kalo nggak, bisa nyesek sendiri, toh?
I guess most men aren't really sensitive, terutama kalo cuma dikodein kalo kamu suka dia. Makanya kalo suka, jujur aja tentang perasaanmu. jangan kelamaan dipendem, sakit nanti.
ps: masalah dia suka balik atau nggak, itu belakangan. kalo dia suka balik ya syukur, kalo nggak ya tenang aja, masih banyak ikan di laut.

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Kak ini aku yg mau curhat hehe Aku mau tanya kak menurut kakak sebagai cowok
Liked by: Veronica

Kak boleh curhat soal percintaan gitu gak? Hehee

Boleh-boleh aja. Saya sih bukan love expert, but then go ahead.
Siapa tau saya bisa membantu :)

Hi, gimana sih caranya cat rambut jadi platinum white? Rambut aku hitam, dan pengen coba platinum white. Aku gangerti masalah ngecat soalnya ga pernah hehe

Eh halo!
Kalo kamu mau jadiin platinum white ya itu di bleach.
Aku juga gak pernah cat rambut kok, then in a sudden I gor my guts to dye it.
Nah tadinya juga rambutku pengen dijadiin platinum white, cuma karena (mungkin) kulit kepalanya agak sensitif jadilah gak kuat dijadiin platinum white, jadinya blonde.
Anyway, it takes 4 times to bleach to get platinum white hair.
Kalo mau bener bener platinum white mgkn ke salon-nya 2x biar gak dipaksain. hehehe
But it's better if you ask directly to the salon :)
Good luck with that!

if tomorrow never comes...what is the 1st and last thing you do?

NathasyaMS’s Profile PhotoNathasya M. Sitinjak
well a hard question.
1st thing to do I'll probably waking up so early, sending all the messages to all my friends, colleagues and families that I'm sorry for everything I did within the whole year.
Then, I'll run to all the shopping centres to buy everything I wanted (foods, clothes)
Then the last thing to do, I'll gather with my family, pray and hoping that everything will be fine, in accordance with the will of God.

What would the world be like without religion?

I would say it would be fine.
why? Because of religion people are fighting towards each other. Because of religion hatred is everywhere.
Because of religion there are minorities. Because of religion, it separates people.
Religion is the cause of all problems.
People should really need to respect each other despite all the different religion.
What would the world be like without religion
Liked by: Ellen Ang

thoughts on orang yang suka beli fake/jual fake, foto ootd pakai barang fake branded bags dia and then dia tag the brand's official ig?

kalo dari pendapat saya sendiri, lebih baik tidak usah memakai barang branded rather than using fake products. Banyak juga kok great things come from the local. It's just my suggestion
Tapi balik lagi, we have no rights to judge them. I mean, cukup tau aja. Toh kita juga bukan Joan Rivers yang have rights to be a fashion police kan? Koreksi diri sendiri dulu aja sih daripada koreksi orang lain.
Masalah bohong itu kan orang itu sendiri. Kita masih punya banyak hal yang harus dipikirin, gausah lah mikirin masalah orang lain, apalagi sampai berkomentar :)
ps: kalo kata Rachel Zoe juga, lebih baik beli barang yang asli tapi berkualitas (if you can afford it), daripada beli yang fake but junk.
thoughts on orang yang suka beli fakejual fake foto ootd pakai barang fake
Liked by: Ellen Ang


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