
Danny Suyandi

Ask @dannysuyandi

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Kak kok menurut aku karl lagerfeld mirip sama ayahnya nagita slavina ya kak? Wkwk :p

lol jangan gitu ah, gak mirip tau :(
but I guess, lebih mirip sama editor-in-chief Italian Vogue, Franca Sozzani (kalo rambutnya keriting).
tadinya mau di gabungin 2 foto, tapi ga berani ah daripada kena pasal cyber crime.
anyway, her style is so adorable!
Kak kok menurut aku karl lagerfeld mirip sama ayahnya nagita slavina ya kak Wkwk
Liked by: ya-ya

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gemes banget liat Karl Lagerfeld in animated sama kucingnya, Choupette.
Karl is collaborating with French cartoonist, Tiffany Cooper for their spring/summer capsule collection.
this capsule will presents a selection of accessories and clothes decorated by Karl and Choupette illustrations.
gemes ya, ngeliat sosok Karl yang dingin dan agak menyeramkan, pas dibuat illustrasi-nya jadi lucu sekali.
we called it Cat Lagerfeld.
source: style.com/indonesia

let's just say, we're agreed that we have a demon inside ourselves that got to be released once in a while. what if there's one day in the future that every bad things (like kills, steals, rapes, etc) are legally allowed to be done, what are you going to do? or what are you going to do, first?

have you watched The Purge (2013) and The Purge Anarchy (2014)?
The Purge (2013)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0LLaybEuzAdannysuyandi’s Video 125000715798 K0LLaybEuzAdannysuyandi’s Video 125000715798 K0LLaybEuzA
The Purge Anarchy (2014)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzFCDqKE4yAdannysuyandi’s Video 125000715798 XzFCDqKE4yAdannysuyandi’s Video 125000715798 XzFCDqKE4yA
these movies probably tell similar things like you've said. In the future, there's one day you can legally do everything (kills, steals, etc.). Only strong people will survive, or in this movie, those who hide.
answering your question, if the demon inside myself released someday, I'd probably choose to kill people. unless, yes UNLESS, they haven't kill me first. I ain't good at martial arts, only good at bitching around. so yeah, probably I'd die first before I can kill somebody :")

How do you usually express your emotions?

sebenernya ini berita udah dari kemaren-kemaren sih. Tapi ga ada salahnya.
I would like to send my deep condolences for the victims of TransAsia Airways. The flight crash happened in Taiwan, Wednesday February 4th.
Sedih liatnya, another plane crash happened.
We don't know what would happen to us next. Just be prepared.
How do you usually express your emotions

alay gak kalau mau minta followback sama sutradara kondang? :(

piniaagista’s Profile PhotoPinia Agista
Duh Kak Zaskia Mecca, sebelum diminta juga udah di follow.
Seru ya baru mulai udah muncul haters aja nih kayaknya.
Enjoy bitchin' around here on ask.fm!
ps: jangan gunain ask.fm buat kepoin gebetan ya, daripada nanti sakit hati. lol
Liked by: Desermayeni

Kenapa sih dunia fashion (terutama high fashion) suka mengeksploitasi sensualitas, sex related theme dan nudity?

Well, it just a matter of perspective on how people see those things, I guess. Nudity and or sensuality in fashion shoot is a piece of art for some people, however it's porn assumed by the others.
Jadi sebenernya tergantung kamu ngeliat perspektif mana sih.
Coba ambil contoh Zana Bayne Collection VI year 2013
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhTRQu-Hud4dannysuyandi’s Video 124538136598 XhTRQu-Hud4dannysuyandi’s Video 124538136598 XhTRQu-Hud4
satu lagi, Brian Atwood Campaign Spring 2013
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEouIeHBJJMdannysuyandi’s Video 124538136598 nEouIeHBJJMdannysuyandi’s Video 124538136598 nEouIeHBJJM
Kalau saya rasa, most of the people who involved in fashion industry think that these two campaigns are totally art. They showcase their products in a nude yet great way. Mau bagaimana pun, there will always be pro and cons. Mungkin lebih baik pikiran orang saja yang perlu dibenahi, don't be too conservative.
Kalian tau, here's the problem we faced in conservative society: seringnya nonton porn movies dirumah diem diem, tapi giliran liat campaign atau iklan yang nude dikit aja udah ribet dan demo sana-sini.
oiya, ini ada satu lagi, campaign dari PETA, the campaign is all about no fur. do you also think it's a nudity or sensuality? you decide then.

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Kenapa sih dunia fashion terutama high fashion suka mengeksploitasi sensualitas


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