
clarissa rendon ✨

Ask @clarissarrr

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You are so perfect and beautiful and I wish we would talk more..

omg thank you, god bless you, god bless your family, I hope all your wishes come true hahah but seriously thank you! (: this is the most compliments I have ever gotten in my entire life. but talk to me then! I'm not THAAAT scary

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Do you care to be in a relationship right now?

yeah, a relationship would be nice right now. but first, someone would have to like me and I don't think anyone does loooool

I like you and I would definitely tap that. If you want to lose the virginity, tell me babe.

reveal yourself and then maybe I'll believe you. but do I by chance know or talk to you?

What made your day today?

well my brother let me drive today and I nearly killed us. I have never seen him so scared or scared in general. while he was freaking out, I was laughing. so yeah, that made my day


Language: English