
clarissa rendon ✨

Ask @clarissarrr

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What does the life you want to live look like?

money, bitchez, mo money. lmfaaoo jk I just want be happy with the people that are gonna be in my life so if things ever get rough I know I still have one good thing
Liked by: Jay

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Is it okay for one to have a crush on more than one person? I like this guy but I also like this other guy. They are both sweet. One is smart but the other is athletic. What should I do?

you should text me! but I mean like I guess it okay to like both of them cause you are single, just don't lead one of them on and then end up going out with the other, that would be allll bad

Dilan is…?

MEANNN. hahaha but a cool freshmann, really funny too, and met him at the beginning of the year and we used to talk a little but now we like neverrr talk!
Liked by: Dilan_Pinedo

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?

singing, being social, LIFE *laughing crying enoji* x 20
Liked by: Jay

You think your gonna keep him?lhh you moved on fast

wow. really? hahha you're so ridiculous but he sure as hell means a lot to me more than you ever did. I don't usually move on fast but you only used me. and then you moved on. if you moved on why can't I? soo I don't see why you're still bothering me.. I don't want to argue on here, if you have to say anything else text me instead.

Why do you hop from guy to guy?that's not cute.

HAHAHHAHA that's funny cause I've been talking to the same guy for over a month. but why are you even on my ask? stop asking me stupid questions, I'm not gonna answer them cause I know it's you. I'm not fucking dumb. you're the only one who knows about what you said on the last question you asked, get off my ass and you broke up with me for some other girl so you can't say anything

who is david and aly. and I said 5!!! -_- not 1.

I DONT FREAKING KNOW ANYONE THEY'RE LIKE THE ONLY PEOPLE I WANT TO GO OUT. my bae and I. that makes 2, idk if i can even name 3 more

I wish we talk more, you are so funny and put me in a better mood. (:

aw thanks. :) maybe we cannn, dm me on twitter or fb message me but im barely on fbbb

Lhhhh. Just try. Name at least 5 "couples".

ZAAAMMMM BOOO, YOU'RE PUSHY. but literally I know like no one... but I'd have to say david & aly! daly 4 lyfe. okay that made me sound creepy, I'm done.

No I'm serious would you?

well, what's your definition of a stud? I will answer your question honestly when you tell me


Language: English