
clarissa rendon ✨

Ask @clarissarrr

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What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?

for like my 4th birthday I got dora's backpack. that thing was my life omg I took it everywhere with me, and not to mention I ALREADY LOOKED LIKE FUCKING DORA BC MY HAIRCUT.
Liked by: Jay

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

I think there is nothing wrong with it. if two people of the same gender love each other then let them be.

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If you don't care then is it okay to say he likes someone else. That's not you.

okay. that's great. that's great for the both of them. are you done now?
Liked by: Jay

How did you celebrate New Year's Eve?

I think we spent more time outside than at an actual party lmao but with Sarah!

What do you expect in 2014?

a more exciting year than 2013. new yorkk, chicago, and maybe california, concerts, idk more stufffff maybe a boyfriend *laughing crying emoji* yeah that would be nice

yo reply like every 5 hours. Lol i swear. 5 hours.

I really hate texting, and I never even pay attention to my phone cause no one even texts me and when I am on it NOBODY TEXTS ME


Language: English