
clarissa rendon ✨

Ask @clarissarrr

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Are you looking to be in a relationship?

forrreal I don't even know cause most of my relationships are like unexpected, whatever happens, happens ya know? but there's isn't really anyone specific right now or anything anymore so yeahhh

I do gotta tell you though, you suck at replying to like anything that's social and online.

ARE YOU CALLING ME ANTISOCIAL?! cuz I am. lol I don't usually feel like talking to people until like night, idk sometimes it just depends who it is and the importance of the convo

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

to like accept myself/be comfortable with the way I am, money cuz I'm broke af, and to have people who make me genuinely happy like not just a boy but friends as well and yeah :)


Language: English