
clarissa rendon ✨

Ask @clarissarrr

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What is your attitude to smoking?

I don't care if you do it cause well I have a lot of friends that smoke but just cause I'm okay with it doesnt mean I like that they do ittt. as long as they dont bring it to my house then we're good lol


i'm waiting for a good night text from the baee. jk! hah, I don't get those. but I'm too into my feels to even get a bit of sleep. and maybe I haven't started homework either.. ooppss

What is something you do every single day?

sit there and wait for a text from someone, anyone.
oh and I eat everyday too

go ahead, you can be me.. take my soul.. lol. that sounded creepy, but shh.. but srsly. u r the perfiest perf ever.

CaitlinHamm’s Profile PhotoCaitlin Hamm
I will gladly take your soul. mine is too dark, and it needs happiness. LMAO. but 4real, girl plz, don't even get me started, u r beyond perf <3
Liked by: Caitlin Hamm


Language: English