
clarissa rendon ✨

Ask @clarissarrr

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It was actually Alexis...

sorry! we can hangout next week, I was already going to go to this bonfire but if its canceled cause it might be then we probably can!

Are we still hanging out tomorrow? If you don't know who this is..ILL DIE!

I'm afraid you might die cause two people asked me omg I don't want you to die!! Sarah? Alexis? AHHHH. but if its sarah then yeessss!

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What are the things you always take with you?

my phone, sometimes charger cause I use my phone a lot and headphones

When did you first fall in love?

when I went to Paris. p.s: I've never gone to Paris. r u catching on bud

How much would it cost to buy your love?

well how much is Justin Bieber worth cause I know it's a lot

You don't miss me? :'(

dammit. I'm sorry, I keep doing this. I'm trying not to get close to too many people for a certain reason that I can't currently say, but my gosh I feel horrible now I feel like everyone hates me :( and I can't blame them cause I hate myself sometimes too. ughh I'm about to cry

Wait Are you really having people over for your birthday?

most likely. my parents are okay with it I just don't know who's free so hmu if you can and ill see if I actually want to invite people

What are you doing in the Fourth of July?(your birthday)

I honestly don't know! I wanted to have a few friends over but it looks like most of them have plans. sighhh


Language: English