
clarissa rendon ✨

Ask @clarissarrr

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your already over Byron? Wow

like that's any of your business? why is he allowed to move on but I'm not? haha ok that makes no sense. why do you want to make me look like the bad one, I'm not the one who wanted to. and I never said I was over him but I never said I wasn't and you won't know unless you ask me personally.


I guess yeah, I probably don't act like it cause I'm really distant in fear of getting too attached and hurt again soo

you talk to way too many people.

I didn't know it was bad to have friends? but I really don't? and if you mean guy wise then I definitely don't. I barely even talk to anyone so get your facts straight.

would you date someone who smokes weed?

idrc as long as he don't bring that stuff to my house we're good cause if my parents found out I'm pretty sure they'd never let me see him again and they'd make sure of that.. *laughing crying emoji* but I'm serious

Is there nothing now between?

nothing now between? wut. lol but I'm pretty sure there isn't, he doesn't like me anymore now ok now pls be done. this is the last one I'm answering about that ✌️✌️✌️

If someone came up to you and pulled out a gun and pointed it at your head…what would you do?

what the hell... I'm fucking scared now..

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

magenta xD

Jacob is a cutie ;) Your lucky he talks to you

NOT TO BE BASIC BUT *you're :| it was bothering me lol. but he issss, and just talk to him just don't be creepy cause then he'll hate me for recommending it, haha he's easy to talk to!

You can tweet but not text me back? -_-

-__________________- if you saw my tweets you would see MY PHONE IS FROZEN DAMN NIGGA

Mine did.... I'm scared he still has feelings for her.

honestly don't listen to me, this is why my relationships don't work out, cause I assume things. just straight up ask him, but I mean they broke up for a reason and he chose you for a reason tooo. and if you don't like that he talks to her, tell him that too. if he does't make an attempt to stop talking to her less then you just gotta be like fdb cause he should know by now "if your girl doesn't like that bitch, you don't talk to that bitch" but message me on fb or twitter! if i know your exact situation I can help you a lot better!


Language: English