
Ray Narvaez Jr

Ask @RNarvaezJr

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I was watching your live stream of Hotline Miami last night and I loved it. It got me thinking that Achievement Hunter doesn't really have a Trophy Hunter. Will Achievement Hunter ever hire a Trophy Hunter? If so I am really interested in joining the team and being the Playstation Guy.

Jordan Pongracz
Now that we have both consoles anyone can theoretically do it. So expect to see some more Trophy Guides in the future.

Please don't do the stupid ice bucket challenge. I just find it shameful the human race needs something so barbaric to motivate them to donate to charity. You shouldn't donate because getting ice water dumped on you is funny, you should do it because it's the right thing to do.

It raises awareness. Be honest, did you know about the ALS Charity before the Ice Bucket challenge?


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