
Ray Narvaez Jr

Ask @RNarvaezJr

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Do you get paid if I watch your past broadcasts on Twitch? I wanna collaborate with your livelyhood but end up missing most streams because of college, and I know you don't monetize YT vids (why?).

I don't. The whole YouTube thing is annoying. It might be easier to just start a new YouTube channel and move everything over. The easiest way to be to donate to my PayPal. Don't worry about donating, I rather you just enjoy the content :).

I always wonder about let's players (Hopefully you're ok with still being called that) because right now you're in your 20s. But one day you'll be in your 50s. Then 60s. What are you going to do then? Be a 67 year old guy streaming video games? What's your streaming retirement plan?

Haha streaming at 67 sounds fun. I hope Twitch is still around that far into the future.

Does it make you sad or upset at all that RT has started streaming a lot after you left? Did you leave because they were trying to control the streams you did or was it just you wanted some freedom? Geninuely curious. I love watching your streams and supporting you. Keep up the great work. :) <3

Not at all. The RT Twitch channel was created so it could be used. I'm glad more and more people are starting to use it. I left because I wanted to pursue streaming. I enjoy doing it way more.

If things continue as they currently are, are you going to be able to support yourself with Twitch, or maybe even be well off? I sure hope so, because I want you to stream literally forever. You're really great at it. Thanks for the lulz buddy.

Things have been great so far. I hope I can keep up this success for a long time and support myself. Streaming is so fun and I thank everyone who has supported me.


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