
Ray Narvaez Jr

Ask @RNarvaezJr

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Since I am a Game designer and have been designing a few projects lately, I decided to try and get them on Xbox so they could have super easy achievments e.g. You open the game, 200g. Would you play these games for the achievements P.S They'll be super cheap like $5

Me and every single achievment hunter out there will be all about that. Not sure how well it would sell though haha

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Is streaming as often as you do a necessity to get enough money to pay the bills? Or do you do it a lot because it's fun?

Well I stream as often as I do because I treat it as a full time job. That being said I enjoy doing it and sometimes I stream on my days off. As of right now I'm doing fine financially, though I would like to buy a nice house one day. That is what I'm currently saving for.

hey ! I'm hopefully going to see you at indypopcon and i wanted to make you something(i don't wanna give it away) but would it be okay to give it to you at one of your autograph signings? its not big or anything but i have no idea when the best time to give you something is !

Of course! Just remember it needs to be something that could fit in a suitcase so I can bring it back to Austin in one piece.

When you say you don't understand why people still ask you about ah and rt. You have to remember that you were involved with ah and rt for years and those videos are how we know you. So what do you expect us to ask you if you've only been streaming a little over a year? No disrespect

So you ask me questions I can't answer just because I used to work there? No disrespect but that's idiotic.


Language: English