

Ask @cyronveerson

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What would you do if you were living the high life?

tbh i rather act like i'm a mid class people. i mean, even if i'm rich, i rather not waste my riches that much. also, i prefer to do a lot of philanthropy.

Have you ever been attacked/singled out because someone was jealous that someone they like actually likes you ?

yes lmao 💀

Kami da break tapi at the same time kami ambil berat satu sama lain & susah untuk aku move on 😞

just cut the string sis

Tapi aku tahu dia dah ada pilihan hati dia dan aku dah pernah tengok pon perempuan tu. Cantik. Lepas tu aku pon sedar diri siapalah aku ni. Huhu. Doakan aku dapat move on dari crush. Susah gilerr nak move on ni.

block je social media dia. and stop stalking them.


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