

Ask @cyronveerson

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Kesudahannya, tadi adik I yang buat kan exam law I tadi hahahaha. Dia berletir la cakap budak diploma yang buat exam degree

i used to help my cousin that took a diploma in college and i was the one who helped her answering her assignments with only SPM 💀💀💀

jeles bile bf cakap dulu dekat ex dia pun dia akan baca bedtime story sampai exgf dia tu tertidur. Rase macam emmmm entahlaa

i wish i can be this petty everytime i date someone 😭

What kind of kindness do you think people have done for you that you remember to this day?

i used to be in a situation where i lost direction and idk how to get home when i was a kid. then, there was this aunty that gave me a ride and she actually knew the location of my home.

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I tal tahu lah ehy I ni memang jenis oanas baran, slowly untuk berubah. Tapi bukan mudah 😞

it's okay. just take it slow first.

Hidup rasa best skit bila dpt jumpa kawan/lepak . Tapi semua dlu..skrg dekat rumah je kawan tkde Rasa lonely gila sbb Aku jenis yg berckp so bila tkckp rasa nthlh..cane korang hilangkan perasan lonely korg eventhought korg sorang2 je

dulu pun aku macam ni jugak. tapi lama-lama dah terlebih selesa dengan solitude 😂

Kenape kau suka bts?

i do like them but not that much. i like them bcs of their songs. tho i'm not always listen to them.


Language: English