

Ask @cyronveerson

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Siapa punya idea yang cakap 7 hari seminggu? Kenapa tak 8 hari seminggu? So that kita boleh dapat 3 hari weekend🤔

wait what? i learned that there is 7 days in a week my whole life. so, doesn that means that what i've learned is a lie? 💀

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Apa beza first love dengan crush?

first love is when you fall in love with the person. maybe, which means yall really dating or something like that. crush is when you like someone but you're happen scared to confess your true feelings to them. and you just look at them from far away without them acknowledging that you have feelings on them.

Masa sekolah dulu, korang jenis selalu siapkan homework or ambil tiru kawan punya?

i'm kinda both person tbh. sometimes i can complete it, sometimes i can't. so that's what friends are for 💀

Nak cerita ea? okay harini saya tak feel better , i mean physically. mentally so far so good. 2 days sakit tekak, while 3 days badan panas. i tak suka panadol so i tak ambil lah.

have you took a self covid test. cuz my mom is covid positive and i'm actually worried for myself as well cuz o got sore throat.

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berita pula ea? semalam, jap i lupa berapa haribulan, jumaat 25 feb, somewhere in Indonesia ada gempa bumi, dan dalam Malaysia ada juga yang terkesan dengan gempa bumi yang sama.

i just knew this. man, there are so much things happening in the world lately. like... is this the end or what?

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kadang kadang bila nak shoutout tu selalu tertanya, agak agak ada yang terasa ke ea? entahlah. harapnya tiadalah.

i don't get petty over shouts unless the questions get into the personal question box or my username got mentioned and people trying to beef with me. but nope, i won't beef with peeps here. i'll just ignore and be unbothered.

kenapa nak tiru kawan punya homework.. kalau kita boleh buat sendiri..aku tak percaya jawapan orang lain,tambah kalau esei dengan english.rupanya trust issue aku ni dari kecik dah siap develop :') hahaha

same here. i have trust issues with other people's answers. i really don't mind with my answers being wrong. but, if i get the answers from people who are smarter than me, i would reconsider to change my answers again but not tiru bulat².

Dulu ada orang yang boleh share cerita or berita, tapi sekarang dah tak lagi. Kita chill je, relax😌 okay?

it's okay. now we have to get on our own feet. let's make stories and read some news for ourselves

girl if you nak dia , you approach je dia . kenapa you yang bagi nasihat tu kat i ? i don't even have feelings for him .

idk what is actually happening here. there were so many things happened already in ask.fm cuz i saw a lot of shouts without context.

i tak dapat cam u...the only socmed yang buat i rasa pening sini la. tapi u dapat guess siapa i? the rest tengah makan pop corn atau hold marah tu...ok ke korang. takut lak treat shoutout ceni. pendapat, which 1?

man, i don't get it and... what was happening?

How korang boleh berbaik dengan ex korang ?

the real thing here is that after the aftermath, we never talk to each other or saw each other again. we both are strangers now so, if both of us happened to came across each other. we just act normal. like literally total strangers. i mean, it's better to do that instead of sparking out drama. it's just better to stay as strangers cuz who knows, when you just want to be friends with them, all of a sudden they wanted to getback, this and that. just no. i am enough with dramas.

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whoever you're, someone's crush or someone who crushed in pieces..happy Saturday. everything will falls in place eventually.

qrchyhis’s Profile PhotoA
you too, happy saturday! thanks for the words tho i'm not in such situations anymore.

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