

Ask @cyronveerson

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Historical or science fiction?

i love both but i think i am. more to historical since i love reading about ancient greek and japanese old mythology

Tak boleh. Balas dengan kekejaman bukan penyelesaian tapi makin mengeruhkan keadaan. Dia masih berperangai macam tu ke sampai sekarang?

siapa? 👀

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Seumur hidup korang pernah couple?

of course but then i stop finding for love for a moment so that i can focus on myself first

How to act normal when your heart is broken? Any tips?

i don't think i even can act normal after a broke up. basically, i just bottle up the emotion and just cry it out when i have some time or space, all for myself to let out my grief. also, grieving is a normal thing so, we humans will never miss out on that for the rest of our lives unless we're braindead or we're born without emotions.

Europe travel or Asia travel?

i prefer asia travel for a moment but, i don't think i'm going to start travelling to all asian countries since i haven't yet traveled to all the states in malaysia. to be frank, i haven't finished travelling all over Sabah yet so, perhaps the sequence is as follows: Sabah, Sarawak, Semenanjung, all over Asia. as for europe travel, i don't think i have the desire to travel across it since the russia-ukraine crisis. i'm scared if one day i travel to paris, all of a sudden i got nuked while i was on the eiffel tower. maybe i'll go there once everything is fine.

Do you like your name?

yes i do like my name but, the only thing that i hate is when everytime i'm registering forms online, some websites are always rejecting my name since my name has an apostrophe in it. yep, some websites' databases doesn't allow special characters for the name part smh
Liked by: Jess

macam mana nak kekal tenang dalam situasi kecemasan atau kelangkabut? aku dah berkali nak dapat masalah, semua sebab tak reti tenang, cepat gelabah.

idek tbh. but in my case, i always acting like i'm calm af. but the truth is, my heart is pounding really hard that i feel like it falls on my diaphragm all the time.


Language: English