

Ask @cyronveerson

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What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

i used to slipped in a paddy field at night and i literally got devoured by those crops. then, my cousins laughed so hard LMFAO.

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Betul ke orang kata roti fardenia itu enak dimakan begitu sahaja?

nah they lied. i literally use those breads in many ways using a lot of different recipes and shit you not, it's delicious than just eating it begitu sahaja.

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I do not wish that we had never met . but it is good that we are strangers again.

being strangers after breaking up with someone is not really that bad. i mean, less drama compared to being just friends after the aftermath.

Td mysejahtera notify ada casual contact dan tetiba je after that rasa mcm nak demam 😩 paranoid teruks

just in case you're still having fever, take the saliva test for covid.

What do you think of tiktok? Are you an active user?

i think tiktok is the only place where i can watch contents that make me laugh, and also contents that give benefits in every aspect of life (such as college (citation tips, studying tools, etc), cooking, movie/tv shows recommendations).
i am an active user but i only active to watch contents and commenting on people's contents.

x sangka ada org cari kepuasan ngn mainkan hati dn sakiti perasaan org lain kamu ada brain atau x bruh pikir hati playground ke apo

i used to keep wasting on thinking about this and i eventually started to accept that the reality of real life is always about the truth, and the truth is always ugly. and that's where i started to not care about these things and try to be okay with being alone and not prioritizing too much about relationship. to sum this up, yes, i am happy even if i'm not in a relationship.

Nak belajar mandarin tapi taktahu nak mula camne. Tips anyone?

there's an app called duolingo. maybe you can start there.

How do you spend your weekend?

i'm literally just at home busy with college stuff which is done via online. then, i have to keep updating my notion page and ended up procrastinating.

Nak masuk 4tahun berkwan, aku banyak sakit hati dengan mulut dia, dia suka menganjing/jatuhkan aku depan org lain. Tapi dia ada sisi baik, sentiasa ada bila aku susah, tolong aku walaupun aku tak minta. Aku dah penat, byk makan hati dengan mulut dia. Perlu ka aku stay dalam friendship ni?

nah. i know a toxic friendship when i see one.

Ada ke yg sokong rusia? Why?

nope. in no way i'm supporting communism when everything can be settled democratically.

I just have a dream of myself in an anime where a good crab turns bad 😂

idk why this reminds me of squid girl

Rasa diperbodohkan dan dipergunakan. Diperlakukan sebagai persinggahan.

biasa la tu. harap lepas ni lebih berhati-hati dengan orang. don't trust anyone 100%.

Can we normalize walking alone, me time alone, do outdoor activities alone?

yes. doing everything alone should be and is normal.


Language: English