

Ask @cyronveerson

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suka main tiktok ?

guna untuk tengok contents ja. kalau terpaksa guna pun untuk college assignment ja tapi tu la, visibility setting tetap "only me" 💀

suka lelaki yang merajuk tak ?

i don't mind if my male friends showing their emotions. it's not wrong. fuck toxic masculinity.

Betul ke lelaki selalu anggap perempuan yg tak post gambar or ootd ni girl yg tak cantik, bosan dan creepy?

not really. for me, suka hati dia la nak post ke tak. it's their decision anyways.

Mohon doakan saya dan juga kawan2 saya yang akan menduduki final assesment and final exam pada 7/2 hingga 27/2/2022. Terima kasih.

amen. good luck ya!

What song will you wanna play on your wedding day? Mine is Lifehouse - You and Me

i think i don't have one cuz never in my life i would think about my marriage. cuz maybe it will never happened and i'm super okay with it.

Apa dia 'jauh di mata, dekat di hati' ?

maksud dia walaupun orang tu jauh dari kita. tak kira la kat mana dorang sekarang. tak bermaksud yang kita ni macam berpisah dengan dorang. i mean, we can still feel their presence like maybe with contacting them by calling or texting. this doesn't apply only to couples cuz maybe the people should be from one of your families? parents? friends? or maybe anyone that you're close with

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Apa yang membuatkan korang susah percayakan seseorang? Adakah sebab dia selalu tak walk the talk? Atau ada sebab lain?

idk. probably i just have trust issues.

Lelaki, kalau chat asik ajak nak lepak, nak jumpa, dia nak apa ea? Apa niat sebenar dia?

well, maybe they just need somebody to hang out with but if you're a girl, maybe you should bring someone (who's a girl) with you if you want to hang out with boys. probably like 3-5 girls including you. the world is not really that safe lately

Psycho kids!! Stop shoutout and sleep

i never send shoutout in here before cuz i don't have the energy for it. i only have time to answer questions 😂


Language: English