
You're Wonderful Project

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I'm addicted to her. But am still insecure. Im in love with her. Yes i want to confront her and too weak to hear 'move on'. She says we'll be together. But how do i overcome my insecurity? I want to be with her forever. In short, i want to grow old with her, just her.

Ok I believe you when you say you love her, but since you're insecure I have to know: Do you trust her? Because if you really do, you'll KNOW that she WILL ultimately be with YOU. Insecurity, jealousy, distrust etc these are all emotions that you will feel during the course of your relationship. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. However you mustn't let that overpower you. You cannot let your feelings get the best of you. Although these are things you will go through, it's up to you to get through them together with your partner. If you let your insecurity rule you and your relationship, you will destroy yourself and the girl you love. The only way you will get through this insecurity is by talking things out with her. If after she assures you also you still are insecure then you will need to build trust with her. See you have two choices here. You can either let your feelings get the better of you and let it destroy any sense of happiness you might have had or you can overcome it by strengthening yourself. You need to start thinking about yourself. If what you really want is her, then do something to show her that. Become a person that she will want to be with. When you're a person of your own you can truly build a life with someone else. If you let your emotions rule your every move, then you can never succeed in this relationship. If you really want this to work, then work on yourself. Pursue a hobby, study etc. Just do something worth doing and earn her trust and love. As you become someone yourself, all your insecurities will disappear and you will finally be able to commit yourself to her. Good luck, be strong and never let love pull you down. Stay wonderful xx

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I dont like meeting people, clicking selfies, posting pictures, getting likes, partying, talking in groups, gossiping,chatting or getting attention.Infact i avoid getting attention.I like being self-sufficient and not depend on anyone/anything to make me happy. Will this attitude make me lonely ?

Do you feel lonely? See, every person is different . There is no generalised way you should feel despite what society says. If you're happy this way, then stay like this. I am not sure if you are happy, though. If you want more out of life and you're not satisfied, then go for it. Make changes. Start small. Maybe talk to people with common hobbies and same interests. It would make you feel weird initially. You must be having feelings like, when you would see other people laugh in groups and have fun then you'd wonder why you can't have it too. You might feel lonely. If you do, you don't have to be a part of the flashy group. The one which takes selfies. Make new friends. Some just like you. Or just one. Remember. Do what makes you happy. Don't die before death arrives.
Stay smiling, we love you.

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I'm not here for help or anything. (Even though I need some serious help) I really appreciate time and effort taken by you all to change and make someone else's life better and change their perspective in a good way! Keep up the good work, I'm very very proud of "You're Wonderful Project"!! :) :D :*

Thank you so much!
We are so happy that so many people are able to help themselves out through You're Wonderful Project;
We are so thankful to all of you who send us your questions, and trust our opinions.
Thank you so much.
You are so amazingly wonderful. ❤
Liked by: Manasvi Karan Thapar

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Im in love with a girl. We never met but trust me Im in love. We talk everyday but the thing is she recently broke up & she likes some1 else too. But she's not saying no but not now. She'll move on from the guy she likes. She says that we'll be together soon but insecurity kills me. Help.

Alright so you say you love her and I'm assuming you want to be with her. In any relationship trust and communication is key. Before you completely invest yourself in this relationship ask yourself this: Does she or is she capable of loving you as much as you love her? If you can answer that question as yes without ANY hesitation or even a second thought then you have to wait patiently for her to end things with the person she currently likes. If you do hesitate, that's perfectly fine. It just means that you have to re evaluate what you believe in right now. Firstly you have to confront her about her feelings for you. If she does reciprocate your feelings then you have to wait for her. If she doesn't, you can wait for her feelings to change or you could try to move on. See she already likes someone and she's postponing your relationship. There is no guarantee that she will like you back the way you like her and being in a relationship with someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings in a similar manner can lead to further insecurity and imbalance in the relationship. For the sake of your mental health and happiness, I suggest that you talk things out with her and figure out what you mean to her. You can give her time to do so but make sure you also put yourself first. Make sure that you think about your own well being and comfort level before you think about hers because you can't expect her to think of you if you don't think of yourself. Good luck and trust your instincts.
Stay wonderful!

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I have anxiety issues and want to kill myself sometimes. I don't have any friends, my family situation is complicated. Could you suggest any therapist I could talk to?

I don't think you need a therapist. Anxiety issues usually root somewhere. Something someone has done to you previously. It might sound a little cliché but forgiving them helps. It's hard and you don't want to because you don't want that to happen ever again. But you need to. You need to start trusting again. You can take your time, slowly test waters. But we are social beings. And friends don't have to be the people you meet at school or the after school sport. You can find friends in story books. Anime. Or a sport you're passionate about. And the best therapist is an old friend. Someone who knew you before , maybe you drifted away for reasons but they know you. They know the real you , before the walls built up and before the anxiety crawled in. So, talk to them. Make your space.
You are amazing and you deserve every smile, that comes your way.
Stay Wonderful.

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Liked by: Karan Thapar Manasvi

i had a break up and ever since that i don't feel very positive about relationships. I have tried liking other boys but it doesn't last for more than a few seconds. Love/break up songs, romantic movies or even talks annoy me. I am focussed on my career but i worry not being able to love anyone again

Okay, so every time you break up with someone it feels devastating and naturally so. After all, you invested a part of yourself in this relationship just like your partner did. So when the relationship ends, that part of YOU goes away with it. Now think about it like a puzzle. If one piece is missing, you can't complete the puzzle. If you haven't completed this puzzle, when you start the next one you won't be able to complete that one because that missing piece will always be at the back of your mind stopping you from moving onto other, perhaps even better puzzles. This is why you can't like other boys for more than a few seconds, listen to those songs or watch those movies. A part of you went away with that relationship and before you can move on to another you need to reclaim yourself. You need to work on yourself. You need to fully love and accept yourself before you can do the same for anybody else. It's great that you're focused on your career so that your mind will be distracted from the breakup. But if you can take out a little time in your day to read, write, paint etc basically do anything that makes you happy and feel like yourself, you'd do wonders. For some people that could mean going to a night club, learning salsa or learning a new language. Find out what makes you happy and go do it. Not only is this a great way to fall in love with yourself again but it's a great way to meet people. So believe me when we say that if you do something that makes you happy everyday and reclaim your missing piece, you will be able to love someone again, we mean it.
Stay Wonderful, gorgeous.

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I am in love with a person I've never seen. I've never hear his voice. We just Skype chat and my vid is on because he gets v fussy if I don't. He tells me he loves me too and this arrangement has been goin on since last year. I want him to reveal himself but he just doesn't budge. What do I do?

Thankyou for choosing us :)
I'd just say one thing that you cant be in love with a person who wont show you his face. You're trying to say you're just in love with the voice, that works for the movies but not in real life. If he cant skype you without seeing you, isnt it acceptable for you to have the same expectation? If you want to work this out, i think you should force him to show you himself and reveal his identity. If he fails to do that, you need to stop talking to him because its like hes controlling you and you dont want that. Live wonderful because you are wonderful :)
Liked by: Karan Thapar Manasvi

All my friends have bfs at 15. I don't. There is this guy I really like. But my parents will kill me IF I date. Even though they are cool.

Hi, don't you feel a little bit pressured into having a boyfriend just because your friends have one too? I mean think of it, you've survived so far without one! If you crave experiencing a relationship that would make total sense. Nothing is as cool as it seems, our minds have a terrible habit of fantasizing about what we don't have. We feel you should have an honest conversation with your parents about what you are feeling, remember NOBODY loves you more than them no matter what the situation be. Enjoy yourself with a 15 year old friend who feels the same way as you do, it'll feel much better. We'd like to hear from you as things develop, feel free to talk! You're wonderful! :)
Liked by: Karan Thapar Manasvi

hey YWP, You're really doing a great job! I'm a college student, I have a girlfriend, but then I sometimes feel that I don't love her the way she loves me. I feel like I'm just dating her for the sake of it. am I doing wrong?

Hi, firstly Thankyou. So, i honestly think if you feel like you don't really love her; you should try to give it another shot and see if it works out. If it doesn't, explain it to her and let her go. You don't want her to be with you if you don't really love her the same way, it'd be unjust to her. Discuss this with her and ask her opinions on it. I'm sure you guys would together take a decision. Don't decide anything yourself and abandon her.A relationship is all about mutual decisions. You both got into a relationship with mutual liking and if it's not working for you then discuss it with her and take mutual decisions. It'll be for the good of you both. Goodluck!:) xx
Liked by: Karan Thapar Manasvi

Hi. I am a failure. I have disappointed my parents in every single way. Bad grades. No Stream. Sleeping late. Behaving rudely. I feel depressed. I don't know what to do! I have big dreams. But now it seems like something not possible. I'm pretty hard working but Maths ruined everything. Pls help.

Did you know? Sleeping late affects your behaviour? You tend to get extra moody. Maybe thats why you've been rude. You're not a bad person.infact you're amazing. If you want to make your parents happy , ask them for advice and support, and listen to them. Big dreams require a lot of dedication. If you dedicate yourself to math it'll become ABC for you. Maths requires constant practice. And a hard working person like you should be able to do it. Don't worry you'll achieve those big dreams and stabd tall and see your parents happy. All you need to do is sleep on time and dedicate yourself to getting good grades .
Liked by: Karan Thapar Manasvi

Everyone hates me. I don't know what to do with my life. Feel like a loser. Not capable of anything. I am 16 and a loser.

Everyone doesn't. Your family will never hate you. If you feel they do , you should tell them . They need to know that what they do , it makes you feel alone. Your friends can sometimes be brutal , though usually they don't have bad intentions. You should stand up to them and let them know they treat you bad. And you're not a loser. You can never be. You know why? Because you're capable of anything and everything in the world. You can do anything you set your mind to. You just have to believe you can. And like magic well and and some hard work you can have the world . Just remember that. And I promise you'll achieve everything you set out to do. And you're 16. This age can be pressuring , you need to decide your future. But you have time , relax. All you have to do is listen to your heart. do what makes you happy. And remember, you can do anything. You'll be the winner in the game of life, don't you worry.

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I had a bst frnd past 3 yrs..aftr 1 yr of our frndship I startd liking him &he was in a reltnship tab.then he had his break up.we came more close.again he went into a reltnshp with 1 of my frnd behind my back & stppd talkin 2 me.I dnt like him now but I miss my frnd.what to do?he isn't talking to me

First you should be sure , that it is not that the fact that you like or used to like him , that's clouding your judgement. She is your friend after all. You both are good friends for a reason right? He went behind your back and did that , and that was wrong of him. He should know he hurt you that way. And that can only happen if you talk to him. Let him know you miss him , and if he still doesn't talk to you remember he's missing out on you , and if he doesn't care he's not worth your time. I understand you miss him. And his memory will hurt for a while. But if he doesn't understand you, he's not your best friend is he? You're wonderful. And you're very own person. If you still really need to talk to him , for some closure , ask a common friend to help communicate your feelings to him.

*So after BBA can i opt for Journalism if i won't go for MBA? completed the question please answer

Hi, thanks a lot for opening up with us! You have to consider what you want to be doing 10-15 years later in your life depending upon the lifestyle you want and what you would be willing to do for most part of the rest of your life. Probably once you settle on that, look for what choices you can make NOW, that would eventually help you get there. Don't worry about what course you'll do after which, but settle on one and commit to it a 100% of your soul. We'd recommend you speak to an educational counselor whether or not a degree in journalism would be feasible.We're not entirely equipped to advice you for career choices, as you may understand :)
Please let us know as things done develop, we'd like to stay in touch with you. You're wonderful!

Hey I wanna be a part of this. I've filled the form. I got no reply. Can I?

For all the people who have filled the forms but have not received any reply yet, do not worry.
We are on it, and we will contact you shortly.
Stay Wonderful!

I've given my 12th boards this year and awaiting for the results. I'm an average commerce student. So i am a bit confused about choosing a right career. I'll be opting for BBA (Hons.) and not sure that whether in future I'll go for MBA or Journalism. I am pretty interested in journalism also. So aft

Hey Wonderful person!
We would really love to help you out, but we won't be able to answer your question since its incomplete.
Please send us your whole question and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Stay smiling :)

See I luva guy.He is rly gud luking and Im a dark complexioned not so gud luking prsn.I told him about my luv for him.He was nt angry,hewas calm and was like lets be friends wala shit.now he wants me to be a bff and hear about the grls he likes.It hurts but i, cant complain.wat2do? I cant let him go

Thankyou for choosing us :)
We have all the imperfections in us. Everybody has them. Every single person has some kind of flaw. Bushy eyebrows, moles, flared nostrils, crooked teeth, crows'-feet, hunched backs, dowagers' humps, double chins, floppy earlobes, puffy eyes, pimples. Nobody is perfect. Not even close. Even then they eventually find a person who loves them for all the flaws they have. What is your flaw? Your complexion? Thats not a flaw. Thats what makes you, thats your identity. Looks shouldnt decide if he should love you or not. So what if he's goodlooking? Even if you think you're not beautiful, let me tell you. Everyone is unique and everyone is beautiful in their own way.
If he isnt liking you for your complexion or your looks, is it worth loving a person so unconditionally who only loves you for how you look rather than how you are to him? No, sweetheart, its not.
If you decide to be his bestfriend, just make sure to stop loving him first. Why? Because he doesnt make you feel good about yourself. And you are probably the best, you dont deserve that.
You deserve better and eventually you will get that. :)
We'll end by saying, love yourself before anything. When you do, you'll love life and you wont see any flaw :)

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I like one of my really good friends, like I love him. But I'm scared to confess fearing he'd stop talking to me or distance himself from me. What should I do?

Hey wonderful person! We love you for opening up to us! Do you feel you should confess your love to him? What does your gut instinct say? Make a decision that seems right to you. We'd suggest you atleast talk to him about your feelings, even if he doesn't reciprocate the feeling, hey you atleast let it all out and won't have to live with the doubt anymore. Even better for you, consider if he fosters love for you too! Either way, we'd recommend you to speak to him, very calmly and in a mature way. We'd love to help you with more, feel free to talk to us anytime! :)

i have a friend. she's unsure whether she likes this guy or not. she used to like him but because he kind of "lied" to her so he can stop everyone from teasing both of them so she tried to stop liking him. but now he goes to the van as her and he constantly stares at her. but she is unsure

Hey! You're such a wonderful person and friend, to reach out on behalf of her. Do you also feel there is a lack of communication playing foul here? Try to sit your friend and 'this guy' together and let the words flow. Only then can they find out what is going on with each other. A guy who would lie to save her from embarrassment but also stare at her probably has something to say and we think hearing him out would be a good move for everyone. Get back to us on this, we'd like to hear more :)

I like a friend who's very close to me, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me back. Should I tell him or try to get over it?

Hey! you're wonderful! We'd suggest you have a heartfelt conversation with him first of all and let him know about the way you feel, that'll be one less burden for you to carry. What he feels for you should not dictate what decisions you take. Have a word with him and get back to us, we'd like to know more! Thanks :)

i am very shy . i dont talk with much girls and i think this is a big problem . can you please tell me how to be extrovert by sudden ?

ChiragKaushal289’s Profile PhotoChirag x)™
Hey! You're wonderful the way you are! If you think it's your natural emotional behavior being shy around girls, we won't advocate an immediate personality change plainly so you could be an extrovert. Just take a moment to appreciate all the people who love you for being an introvert, your friends and family might actually being in your peaceful company (and I'm sure they do!). Would it be worth losing your true, comfortable soul trying to fit into the personality of an extrovert? My friend, in that case the girls who seem so attractive to you aren't the real trophy anyway. You're the real trophy in life, appreciate yourself for the way you are! We'd hope to hear more from you, feel free to drop by! :)
Liked by: Manasvi Nipun

Umm I wanna be the part of the project. Can I?

Hello Wonderful People,
We have news for you! As we have more people who are seeking help and we want to try our best to let all of them get love, affection and care. We have decided to expand our team.
If you are looking for a life changing and a charming experience, or you want to help people across the world and make them realize how wonderful they are. JOIN US.
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Liked by: Manasvi Nipun


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