
Sara Veronica

Ask @Sara_Veronica

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Thx! Austria isn't a neighbor country of Poland, but I would really enjoy a dinner date with you! :D

Hoellenmeister’s Profile PhotoPatrick
Oh gosh! I thought you're from Germany or Czech Republic. I'm sure one day I'll get to meet you :)
Liked by: Anita ∞

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To wbijaj do Kato albo Krk ! :D

Jeśli ogarnę transport to wpadnę! Tylko,że ja staram się omijać wszelkiego rodzaju zlotów haha. Możemy się spotkać przed/po :)
Liked by: Anita ∞

Not a question, but something I want to say: You are one of the most beautiful vFans I know. :)

Hoellenmeister’s Profile PhotoPatrick
Patrick!! You're one of the sweetest. You live in a neighbour country right? We can go for a dinner date one day! I'd love to meet you!
Liked by: Anita ∞

Skąd wiesz, że się zakochujesz?

Zakochanie rozpoznaję się wtedy,kiedy widzisz osobę nie jako idealną,ale podobają Ci się jej wady. Hm,w sumie może nie tyle,że podobają Ci się one,ale je akceptujesz i nie patrzysz na drugą osobę jako na postać idealną,bezbłędną,przepiękna itd.

Wiesz, ja pobrałam z torrentów ale po włosku...więc znalazłam napisy PL i pasowały :)

Ugh,to lipa. Ja nie pobieram muzyki/filmów więc to dla mnie odpada. W takim razie pewnie nigdy nie zobaczę tego filmu chyba,że kiedyś w końcu pojawi się na kinomaniaku ;D
Liked by: Anita ∞

oglądałaś film "Heathers", który bliźniaczki tak uwielbiają? Co myślisz o nim?

Niestety nie oglądałam,bo nie mogę go znaleźć nigdzie online z napisami/lektorem. Jeśli masz link/stronę gdzie mogę to obejrzeć to prześlij. Nadrobię w wolnym czasie :)

myślisz , ze nowa płyta Veronicas będzie fajna?

Ja naprawdę bardzo w nie wierzę,a to co pokazały nam w The Viper Room było naprawdę dobre. Mam nadzieję,że pójdą w tym kierunku. :)

Masz już jakieś oceny w szkole? Jakie? :))

Mam już naprawdę sporo ocen,ale one dla mnie nic nie znaczą,bo nie liczy się to co na papierku tylko to co w głowie,a w szkole uczą nas przeważnie rzeczy,które NIGDY w życiu się nie przydadzą. Jedyne przedmioty do których pochodzę na poważnie to angielski,matma i polski. Gdy dostaję 5 to nie skaczę z radości,a gdy dostaję 1 to się nie smucę :) Dobraaa ciesze się gdy dostanę pozytywną ocene z matmy,bo to czarna magia i pozytywna ocena to cud,hahaha. Co do edukacji,to uważam,że w LO powinniśmy uczyć się tylko tego co nas interesuje... chemia,biologia to ważne przedmioty dla tych osób,które wiążą z tym przyszłość. Wiadomo warto wiedzieć gdzie jest np. wątroba itd. to jest ciekawe,ale niektóre rzeczy w poszczególnych przedmiotach to zapychacze czasu.

Podoba ci się głos dziewczyn w dead cool? Bo mi bardzo :D

Mi również. Moim zdaniem to jedna z najlepszych piosenek jakie nam pokazały z tego niby materiału na nową płytę. Jeszcze bardzo lubię "psycho bitch". :)
Liked by: Anita ∞

When a person has a good soul we can feel it even through a computer. I felt this with you. I know who you are, even not actually knowing you. Thank you for being such a good person. I love you too, really. <3

Feel free to write me anytime babe. You're so adorable. Thank you for those beautiful words,it means the world to me. Lots of love sending your way xo
Liked by: Anita ∞

... The Veronicas are the only thing that still makes me wanna wake up every morning, the only thing that still matters to me, the only thing I can hold onto. So I think you can imagine how I felt when they started saying that I used to talk bad about them. Just wanted to clarify things. Thank you!

I just wanted to say WOW because I can't believe that someone cares what I think about this situation and as I see-you do. It warms my heart. When I was younger I was dealing with lot of stuff. They were my reason to wake up every morning as well. I remember it. So... I know how it feels. Now I do everything to thank them somehow,but I know that whatever I'll do,it'll be never enough. Love you angel X
Liked by: Anita ∞

....So I hope you understand our side. We are not bullies. I can tell you that most of us in the group was already bullied for being gay, too short, too tall and even for being Brazilian. I agree with everything Alex said in the bullying video cause I know how awful it is +

I think you all are so beautiful inside & outside. You guys always were so nice to me,I remember it. Be who you are,because imperfection is what makes you perfect X

....They are saying we talk bad about the girls and I asked "what did we say" but they dont reply. Anyway, I'm sorry about the guy who said "fuck you sophie" I can't control what my friends say but I think we were just too angry and said things without really think about it. +

Trust me that many times someone attacked. Here,on twitter,on facebook,face to face. I always smiled or said "thank you". People who use such a bully words like "fuck you" are immature. Sorry,but I can have my own opinion as well. I'm against bully and as I said 2131243 times already I'm only mad at this thing....He definitely shouldn't write those words,she's such a sweetheart and she didn't deserve it. BUT...we all are only people and we make mistakes... I really love all of you guys so much. You're so precious. All of you X

...I did have a "fight" with Sophie on twitter and I don't think I was right. I just got really mad cause they were trying to burn us in the Vs page for everyone to see it. I think she wasnt right either.She should have talked to us privately in the group about it before exposing her wrong opinion +

Hm...actually I didn't see Sophie fighting with someone on twitter,I saw that Elodie did it. I understand that she god mad...becuase she loves Sophie and now I need to say that their love is magick <3

cause we were talking about whos friends with the twins on FB. And do u seriously think that we used to talk bad about Lisa and Jess? like seriously!Why would we even have a fan group? this makes no sense! Of course some people get revolted cause theres no new music but we know its not their fault +

I wanna stay out of this topic. I heard that you say rude stuff about L&J but I don't really care. I didn't see anything like this so... ;)


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