
Parker Marie

Ask @MissParkerMarie

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why do you think there's such a reluctance to cover transition care?

There are a lot of reasons, one of which being the public's belief that this is something trans people choose to do for fun. Untreated dysphoria is dangerous. It brings with it mental and physical issues if untreated, and really can lead to death.
Liked by: Panty Panic Kat

Do you think there is any chance that FFS will ever be covered by health insurances, even if only in very specific circumstances?

I hope so. There are a very select few insurance providers who do cover it. It's a series procedures often brushed off as cosmetic, but really, is reconstructive in nature, with the goal of undoing the effects of a testosterone-heavy puberty.
Liked by: Kat

How do you feel about the sex industry? Do you find it empowering for women or degrading?

I am pro-bodily autonomy. All forms of sex work should be legalized, and people should be able to make their own decisions.
Liked by: Panty Panic Kat

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I've just finished the FoF podcast. There is no way the quiet and open-to-conversations Parker that was on the show is the same person as the angry woman who spends her time calling people out on twitter. Get your act together lady.

See! I can be nice! Perhaps I'm turning over a new leaf.

I'm a cis, mostly straight, white male, and I just want to say how fantastic I think you are. Following your work has helped me immensely in being more empathetic and thoughtful. Thank you.

Aw. Thanks.

Funny how people in minorities hate generalizations about them but have no problem making some about the majority...

It's called "punching up"

Cis people don't really have an opportunity to use the word "cisgender". Straight people don't use the word "straight". / Didn't you come for Dan Savage's husband Terry Miller last week? You should remember, it was between the time you came for Chris Crocker and when you came for Arielle...

I know lots of cisgender people who use the term 'cis'

Just curious, what's your beef with Dan Savage? You seem weirdly obsessed with forcing interactions with him.

Wait, what? Just today I was defending him.

Why do people assume that since you're a freelancer that you're not a "real" or "professional" journalist? Journalism takes many forms and covers many outlets. Plus, I bet a bunch of those "real" and "professional" journalists in the paper are actually stringers.

*flashes paychecks*
Liked by: Rachel Al2der

Have you ever considered that the SunTImes didn't want to publish your blog post because you're not a professional journalist? Is this why you attack the HuffPost guy constantly? Because he actually is? (P.s- You critique his grammar but I notice you make mistakes too. *Review your tweets

Srry abt my twttr grmmr

Have you noticed that whenever transgender women use the term "cis" it's in association with something negative about a person/people? I have and it's getting old. You're getting to be so condescending and bitter, even towards allies.

Then start using the word in a positive way, oh brave anonymous stranger.

Hey, I am a trans woman and I just wanted to let you know i like your writing and i think you are pretty.

Hey thanks, internet stranger. I'm sure you're pretty awesome, too.

Do you have any celebrity crushes?

All of them. I have a crush on every person who has ever been in the media for any reason.

Come on, you've criticized the word "hunty", you posted a link to an article saying the Drag Race should be cancelled, you claimed your hate for RuPaul ... Your agenda is showing, henny ...

Ah, so I took issue with a word that references vagina, posted a link to an article that dared to ask whether the show has a place in modern culture (note that I never wrote anything like that), and I once tweeted something that was taken completely out of context?
No agenda, anonymous dude who can't live without tossing slurs left and right.

Why don't you just admit you don't like drag and think it's detrimental to trans people rather than picking anything you can to try to turn people into anti-drag advocates?

Huh? I don't have a problem with drag. I've criticized specific elements that I find problematic (use of slurs without any effort to educate an audience), but I don't have issues with drag as a whole.
You do realize that you can criticize something without being "anti-the entire group," right? Like, let's say you like a band, but you don't like one of their songs. Saying, "ugh, yeah, I really don't like that song" isn't the same thing as saying "I HATE THIS BAND AND NO ONE SHOULD EVER LISTEN TO THEM," you know?

What do you think of Ronan Farrow? Do you think his coverage of the transgender man from the military was respectful or no?

I think he's done a great job covering trans issues, and he's quickly becoming one of the more consistent voices for trans rights in mainstream television-based journalism (there aren't a lot to choose from, so it's not thaaaaat impressive, haha). I really enjoyed his interview with Landon Wilson. I've wrote about that interview here: http://www.advocate.com/politics/transgender/2014/05/15/watch-ronan-farrows-trans-military-debriefing

What is your take on the divide between trans women and gay males being because being gay is about embracing who you are whereas trans people change something about them?

That seems like a misunderstanding of what being trans is. Trans people are just as much about embracing themselves as gay men are.
Liked by: sarahjay

The thing is, if the word "cisgender" ends up being a negative term, what is gonna happen to its opposite "transgender" ? (3/3)


And as I've said, I've only been seen used lately as a way to discount someone's opinion. It has sort of become some part of SJW rhetoric. The word "straight" doesn't have a negative connotation but I can see "cisgender" gradually gaining one. (2/3)


I had no problem with the word "cisgender" when it was first explained to me. I understand the need for trans people to have a word to describe those who are not like them. However, cisgender people don't use that word, so trans people are actually the ones defining its use. (1/3)

It's not a negative word. Perhaps the reason people see it as a negative term is that historically, a lot of very crappy things have happened to trans people, largely at the hands of cis people.
It's kind of arrogant to take someone saying, "Here's something cis people have done..." and turn it around to focus attention away from the issue being talked about and instead act as though you've been the one harmed as a result of someone saying that you're a member of 99%+ people in the world.
Basically, cis people complaining about being called cis is just as ridiculous as white people being called white or straight people being called heterosexual. It's like men saying "not ALL men" to derail conversations about misogyny.
But if you feel 'cis' has a negative connotation, perhaps consider the possibility that trans people have a legitimate gripe. Improve the word's perception by helping to advance trans rights. I just wrote an article about cis allies to trans causes. No way anyone could take that as negative. Become one of those allies through action.

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Liked by: Tom


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