
Kaitlyn McCoy

Ask @Kaitlynmccoy13

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What do you prefer: read the newspaper, watch TV News, or check online news?

I don't care what really happens in this world in all honesty.

Please help me. I cut and my mom doesn't know. She always says like "I hope you never do that stuff" etc. I feel so horrible doing it because I know if my mom new she'd get so upset. I wouldn't want her to worry about me cutting. But apart of me feels like I need to tell her so I can get help.

Honestly I think you need to tell your mom. When I told mine she was upset and she yelled a bit but in the end she was glad I told her because she felt like I could trust her and she got me help. I went to the hospital and just being there for the couple hours I was there made me realize how serious of an issue it truly is. It woke me up and since then I've only cut once and I've started going to therapy and it's made life so much easier. If you tell her and get help you will not regret it. I promise. and cutting is not worth it. Yeah it takes away the pain for a while but then after those couple minutes the pain just comes right back and then it makes you wanna cut deeper and deeper and you could end up dying. Your body doesn't deserve that and I'm sorry things have gotten to the point where you have to resort to cutting. I'm always always here for you no matter what. All you gotta do is kik me, I'm just one message away.

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you don't cut hah lies

I've been trying to stop for a year and a half. Look at my scars and then please tell me again how I never cut.

who's the sweetest guy you know personally?

Well really the only guy I'm actually friends with is Tyler Johannssen so..

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

She's secretly making fun of him . Well maybe that's just me.

In order for us to get through this long as winter post a picture of you in a bikini/bathing suit so we can flood ask with signs of summer past it on

2 fab 4 u .


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